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Over the next few days Hermione was busy with Astoria and her friends along with studying for her N.E.W.T.S she knew that eventually she'd have to talk to Bella about everything but right now she was too busy enjoying being wrapped up in the Slytherin's arms. They lay together inside the room of requirement that Saturday afternoon just enjoying each other's company. "Will it always be like this?" Astoria asked softly. "Will what?" Hermione asked. "You...and me...this...us together?" Astoria asked. "I'm not sure. Do you want it to be?" Hermione asked. "Of course! I enjoy our times like this. Of course I enjoy everything we do together." Astoria replied with a smile.

They stayed there for a little while longer before getting dressed and headed out of the castle with their bags on their shoulders as they made their way towards a tree that over looked the lake. "We'll study here for a while. Everyone else is supposed to meet us here too." Hermione stated as they began getting their books out. "It's really beautiful here." Astoria stated with a smile. "Yea it is..." Hermione replied as they sat there admiring the view.

"Hey guys!" Harry called as he and the rest of the group walked their way. "Hey! Are you ready to study? Exams are in a week!" Hermione replied. "Yea...totally excited Granger!" Draco groaned as he sat down on the grass. Everyone pulled their stuff from their bags and began going over their notes while making small talk amongst themselves. "I'm dreading the potions exam..." Ron groaned. "Why? It's gonna be easy! All we need to do is make one lousy potion!" Pansy exclaimed. "Yea..but I don't know what one I'll get stuck with." Ron muttered to himself.

Everyone continued going over their notes and talked. "Sooo...hows everyone's notes coming along? I'm getting annoyed with this studying." Draco groaned. "Ok! Let's quiz each other then!" Pansy suggested. "I think thats a brilliant idea!" Astoria exclaimed. "Ok! Let's begin!" Hermione stated as she began asking random questions to everyone.

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