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One week later the halls of Hogwarts school was filled with confetti falling from the sky! It was graduation day for the Hogwarts seventh years. They were in their house groups in the stands that stood in the great hall as they awaited patiently for their 'diplomas'. One student from the four houses was chosen to speak on the house's behalf. For Gryffindor it was Hermione who was chosen to speak. Letting out a long sigh she stood up from where she sat between Harry and Ron and walked towards the podium. All eyes were on her as she walked across the stage, the room was packed with family, and friends and the remaining students.

"Good morning everyone! Today is a very special day for not only myself but all the seventh years behind me. Today marks the closing of one chapter in our lives and the start of a whole new chapter. Seven years ago when we first walked through those hallowed doors we were scared and unsure of the path we would be taking. At least I was anyhow. The sorting hat almost put me in Ravenclaw until it saw my desire to be more than just knowledge. So it made the decision to put me in Gryffindor house where not only did I meet two of my best friends, I made memories. Then I met more students and made more friends including those of the rival house of Slytherin.

Over the years I learned that these friendships I've made are more like family now, especially after some of the things we've all been through together. From quidditch tryouts, to accidents in potions class, we made it through it all together. I will miss my friends that will be finishing their education in the coming years, I will also miss the professors who made me do more than I ever thought possible. But most of all I know I will miss the head of Gryffindor house Minerva McGonagall most. She told me that just because I come from non magical parents doesn't mean I can't become a great witch. So thank you Professor McGonagall for those wonderful words of wisdom over biscuits and tea we'd share every Saturday afternoon. I will always treasure them and do my best to continue those in the future. And now I will step away so that the next speaker can come up and share his memories with everyone. Please help me welcome Draco Malfoy, seeker, head boy, quidditch captain and member of Slytherin house!" Hermione finished her speech before hugging Draco tightly and returning to her seat.

Draco waited a moment for the crowd to die down a bit before began speaking.

"How the bloody hell does anyone top Hermione Granger's speech? Well here goes nothing...When I came here I was nervous, mostly because of all the stories I heard from my parents of their time here. However when I got into Slytherin house I was happy because I was continuing a Malfoy tradition. Well I soon learned that not everyone was a friend, I learned that some people just want to be near you because of your name. Then I got to know Hermione Granger, she was assigned to be my potions partner, at first we hated each other...however as time went by I began to become her friend, and by extension I made friends with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley and the rest of Gryffindor house. And that one decision changed my life forever. Being apart of such a large group of friends who didn't care about my last name or how much money I had in the bank was amazing. They liked me for me and that felt nice. Now here we stand ready to take on the magical world. Some of us will become aurors, some healers, some will go to work in the ministry, some to become professors. And I know one who will most likely become Minster of Magic one day, and I can't wait to see that happen. Before I end my speech I'd like to take a moment to thank someone who helped me see that I could become more than my name. Like Hermione, I too found solace in my head of house Severus Snape was like a second father to me during my time here. He'd listen to my problems and do his best to give me advice. Thanks to him, my other professors and my wonderful chosen family, I became the wizard you see before you. Thank you everyone!" Draco ended his speech and returned to his chair as they waited for the rest the ceremony to continue.

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