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The whole gang stayed in the secret room until Sunday night, just enjoying each other's company. Late Sunday night everyone began disappearing to their own dorm rooms. "Good night sweetheart!" Astoria whispered as she kissed Hermione in front of the 'fat lady' portrait that night. "Good night beautiful! I'll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast." Hermione replied as they parted ways. Hermione went into her room and readied for bed. Tomorrow their exams would begin and she was now officially for them. She had a wonderful weekend with her friends and girlfriend and now it was time to sleep.

Morning came with an early start for all the seventh years. After showers they all congregated in the hall for breakfast before being ushered out with the rest of the students only to wait in the library for their N.E.W.T.S. A hour later they were all ushered back in to the hall to take their first examination. Potions. As the time ticked by everyone was scratching away on their parchment writing everything the ins and outs of potion making. At the end their papers magically flew to the desk and they moved out again.

Another hour went by a this time fewer of them headed into the hall for their Muggle Studies exam leaving most of the friend group to wander the grounds. "Lots more to go." Draco stated. "Yea.." Hermione replied. As they walked around everyone began talking about random things to keep their minds off the D.A.D.A. Exam that would be held next. "I heard we'll have to duel her!" Astoria stated. "Yep." Harry stated.

Soon it was time to head back inside they all flowed back into the great hall again taking their seats for their written part of the examination. The test flew to their desks as they waited for Professor Black to tell them to begin. "START!.....NOW!" She yelled and the scratching of quills filled the room.

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