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As the days grew longer the more time Hermione took to think about Bella, all the while she continued hanging out with Astoria. "Only two months left till we graduate. Are you excited?" Astoria asked. "Yes...and no..." Hermione replied with a half smile. "Oh?" Astoria asked. "Yea..I'm nervous about starting at the ministry." Hermione replied. "Well I'll be there with you, so we'll be able to see each other." Astoria replied causing Hermione to smile. "That's the one good thing about it. Come on now we have N.E.W.T.S. To study for." The brunette replied as they walked back into the castle and headed to the library.

Several long hours later the group was finished studying. "Ugh...I'm done with this..." Draco whined. "I agree Mione! This is a bit ridiculous." Harry grumbled. "Ok! Ok! We can stop for tonight! But we'll pick it up tomorrow night." Hermione replied with a smirk. "Ok Mione! We'll see you tomorrow after dinner." Ron groaned. Astoria stayed behind and helped Hermione clean up the leftover parchment. "Come on darling, let's go get some dinner." Astoria cooed as she put her arm around Hermione's waist as they walked to the great hall together.

Bella's eyes were glued on to the Gryffindor as she separated from Astoria and joined her friends. "Sooo?" Ginny whispered. "What Gin?" Hermione replied. "You gonna purpose to Astoria?" Ginny asked. "I don't know why?" Hermione replied softly. "You definitely should! She's really beautiful! Ohhhh your babies would be so adorable!" Ginny cooed. "Shut up Gin!" Hermione replied.

After dinner Hermione walked with Astoria to her dorms where she shared a kiss with her before heading off to her own dorm. "I'll come meet you in the morning!" Astoria whispered as they parted ways. "I look forward to it Tori!" Hermione replied with a smile. On the way back to her dorm Hermione Granger had a new spring in her step and thoughts rang through her head. "Should she purpose to Astoria?" "What about Bella? Was there a Bella? Did she eve love Bella anymore? Did Bella love her?"  The thoughts plagued her as she rolled over in bed that night.

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