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After dinner Draco and Hermione returned upstairs to pack their belongings due to the fact that they'd be returning to Hogwarts tomorrow afternoon. "I can't believe the holiday break is over for us." Draco complained. "Yea I know, but this way we can have time to study for our N.E.W.T.S." Hermione replied with a half hearted grin. "Yea...I guess that's true. Well I'll leave you to packing." Draco replies as he left her room.

Hermione sat on the floor of the room she never really used and began folding her belongings before placing them into her trunks. As she packed she gently placed the gifts she got for Christmas in the trunk as well before grabbing a uniform to change into on the train into her shoulder bag before finishing up her packing leaving out her pajamas and clothes for tomorrow leaving her larger trunk open and ready to have her pajamas placed in them in the mornin after the elves washed them for her.

Upon returning downstairs Hermione was greeted by Dora who was pacing back and forth on the marble floor. "Ya alright?" Hermione asked. "Hmm? Oh.. yea. How did packing go?" Dora asked. "All set till the elves finishing the washing in the morning." Hermione replied. "It's gonna be so quiet here without you Mione." Dora replied. "I'm sorry Dora. But you can come visit me on Hogsmead weekends. We can get a butter beer together or something." Hermione replied with a smile.

"Yea that sounds good to me! I can go to Zonko's too and get some prank stuff to use on mum and Cissy here. And on Moody at the Auror department." Dora replied with a wicked grin on her face. Hermione rolled her eyes at the older witch. "Yea...maybe not on your boss though...Moody may not appreciate that." Hermione replied.

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