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A few hours later Hermione was seated in a compartment with Draco and the rest of their friends. "How was your holiday?" Harry asked. "Good, and yours?" Hermione asked. "It went well, I had a great time hanging out with the family." Harry replied. "Yea, we had a wonderful time hanging out with Dora." Draco replied. "She's coming to visit on Hogsmead weekends, so we can catch up while drinking butter beers." Hermione stated. "Oh I miss Tonks!" Ginny whined as she took a seat next to Hermione.

Everyone continued talking about their holiday adventures as the train rattled along the tracks. After getting snacks everyone continued chattering about different things. A few hours later the train pulled into Hogsmead. Everyone got off leaving their trunks on the platform before heading to the carriages. Hermione was going over everything that they should do to study for their N.E.W.T.S. Even though everyone groaned they agreed to set up times to study.

"I'm starving!" Ron grumbled as he began eating the food that appeared on the table after Dumbedore finished his speech. "You're always hungry Ron!" Ginny groaned. After dinner everyone headed off to their dormitories for the night. Hermione sat on her bed thinking about everything that had happened over the holiday break. Everything flashed in her mind like a wonderful movie she wanted to watch on repeat.

However sleep soon took over and Hermione fell asleep with a smile on her face. Meanwhile down in the dungeons Bella was lying in bed herself thinking over the events of Christmas. "Soon I'll be able to call her Mrs. Hermione Granger-Black!" Bella stated as she rolled over in bed clutching the pillow Hermione used at the manor before she herself fell asleep too with a smile on her lips.

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