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Thanks to the teachers, I was given directions to the classroom where I was assigned to and headed on my way. As I walked through the hallways, I could see many other students walking and talking to each other, smiling and laughing.

From my first year in elementary to until now, I don't think I noticed anybody. No, it's not that I didn't notice, but rather I didn't care. Whether they smiled or cried or got rageful, it didn't matter to me. What they talked about or what they had on their faces never caught my attention. However, now that I'm here, I'm beginning to see everyone clearly.

Maybe I'll be able to find some friends here. Maybe I'll have someone who I could talk to, who I could smile and laugh with. Maybe I could live a normal life. No...I'd say that's impossible for someone like me.

The Classroom; Class 1-D

I stepped into the class, entering a room halfway full of students who were already sitting down and talking to one another. The girls were cheery and gossiping as always, while the boys laughed and talked about their pitiful lives. It seemed like they had already introduced themselves, or maybe some of them knew each other before they came to this school. Either way, it looks like our class will start off good in terms of relationships and communication.

I looked around the desks, or rather, the desks in the far back of the classroom. I was hoping to find my nameplate on a seat where I could be alone, away from the rest of the class. However, my hopes were crushed. A seat that I had eyed, one that was in the far corner of the class, had already been taken. And who would've guessed that it was taken by the same boy I saw back on the bus and school entrance.

I was disappointed, but that's when I noticed my nameplate on the desk that was next to the seat that I had wanted. It wasn't the exact seat that I hoped for, but it was in the back. I accepted it, sitting down and placing my bag to my side.

Aside from seating, something else was bothering me. The boy sitting to my left, the boy who I saw on the bus and who walked beside me to the school entrance. He was here, in this classroom-the same classroom I was in.

Out of all the classes in this school, out of all the students who attend here, it was this boy who I kept seeing. This couldn't be a coincidence, can it?

"Did you want my spot?"

A voice from my left. I turned and saw that it was the boy who asked me that question. "Why do you think that?" I asked him.

"It's not so hard to figure it out. Considering your facial expressions and your body language."

He had read me just through that? And what he said about it not being hard was clearly a lie. Not even a child could be able to determine what an adult was feeling or thinking just by looking at them. They need to have been talented or an expert to do so.

Seeing that he had hit the mark, I confirmed it. "Yes, you're absolutely correct. I did want your spot. So what about it?"

"You're a loner. That's why you want this seat in the very back of the classroom. To escape everyone. Isn't that right?"

Again, he was spot-on. This boy who I just met this very day was speaking to me with such intellectual and wise words. It's clear that he is a smart individual, a mysterious and strange one at that.

"What is it you're trying to get from me?" I asked in a serious and stern voice. The way he spoke to me was getting on my nerves, and I disliked how he was beginning to learn about who I truly am and what I'm like.

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk." He held his hands together, holding up his chin and looking away from me.

"You're quite unusual..." I muttered to myself.

Classroom of the Elite: LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now