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Advanced Nurturing High School; Library; yesterday...

"I need you two to do a favor for me. I don't know exactly if it'll work, but I'm hoping it does," said Horikita. "I want you two to find a second or third-year student. Preferably a student from Class D, or a student who has almost no Private Points. Ask them for the answer sheet from their midterm test during their first-year."

"Horikita-san, are you...?" said Karuizawa.

She nodded. "That's exactly what I'm doing. With this strategy, we can pass the test easily and without the risk of expulsion." Using the answers from the old midterm test the previous students took. A smart idea indeed.

"You two are the only ones I trust to do this, Karuizawa-san, Furukawa-kun. So please, do this for me."

Advanced Nurturing High School; Cafeteria; present day...

After receiving the details of our mission that day, Karuizawa and I both headed towards the cafeteria during our lunch break to scout for some upperclassmen.

"There are quite a lot of them..." said Karuizawa. "This is going to take a while, won't it?" she asked me.

"Maybe. Maybe not," I said. "If we look at what they're eating, then we can easily find who we need."

"Eh?" Karuizawa looked at me with a confused face.

"You need Points to buy food, especially certain meal sets. However, there is one meal set that anyone at this school could get." As I looked around the cafeteria, I spotted a lone male student sitting by himself, eating that specific meal seat. "There." I pointed and Karuizawa looked.

"The vegetable meal set...? Oh!" Karuizawa finally realized it.

"It's free, and not many people like eating it. However, if you're low on Points or don't have any Points at all, then you have no choice but to eat it. In other words..."

"He's our guy..." Karuizawa said, finishing my sentence.

To be sure, I pulled out my phone and opened the OAA app. I looked up the student's picture and found him to be in Class 3-D. He was definitely a perfect target. Karuizawa and I both nodded at each other, then the two of us went over to the third-year student, surrounding him from both sides.

"Excuse me," I said. "If you don't mind me asking, do you have the answer sheet for the midterm test of your first-year?"

He slowly turned to me. "Who are you?"

"I'm Furukawa, a first-year from Class D." I pulled out my phone and showed him my name on the OAA app, giving him proof.

"A first-year..." he sighed. "And you want the answer sheet from the midterm test of my first-year you say?"

"That's right, senpai."

"What makes you think I have the answer sheet?" he asked.

"I don't. That's why I'm asking if you have it. And if you do, I would like for you to give it to us."

He stared at me for a moment, then placed down his chopsticks and turned to face me. "Let's say I give you this answer sheet you're looking for. What do I get in return?"

Karuizawa turned to look at me, waiting for me to answer. "The thing you desire most, senpai: Points."

He continued staring at me for a moment, then turned to look at the vegetable meal set he had. It was a healthy option and a cheap one at that, but those who craved meat and good-quality food such as him couldn't see themselves eating it everyday. I was using that to my advantage. I had the bait, and I was simply waiting for him to take the bite.

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