V.1-Ch.3.1: An Obstacle In The Way

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A whole week had passed. Those days had been normal school days where we students stayed in class, listening to the teacher, learning about the subject and taking notes. Of course, I knew that I had been doing that. As for my classmates, most of them weren't paying attention or doing their work. As usual for Class D.

Advanced Nurturing High School; My Room

I was inside my room, laying on my bed as I stared at the ceiling. It was morning, an hour just before another day of class would start. Instead of getting up to prepare myself, I continued laying in my bed, thinking about the information Karuizawa gave me and finding ways to figure out the identity of my father. These past few days, all I've been doing was thinking.

"'Strong, quick, and pretty smart' huh...?" I repeated her words to myself. The two names of the people she mentioned were out of the question. This mystery person was the only one left. "He was the ex-boyfriend of Karuizawa Kei..." I closed my eyes and repeated our conversation in our head over and over again. I was concentrating, processing and using the details from both Karuizawa and my mother. After a while, I came up with the same conclusion. "No, I doubt it."

The information I had was so little, and the probability of it being right was low. My mother told me my father used to date someone before her, but she never said who it was. He could have dated anyone, and this person Karuizawa mentioned could possibly be someone else. This puzzle I've longed to solve may very well take a long time. I just hope that I figure it out soon before I graduate. Maybe even before the end of my first year.

Advanced Nurturing High School; Class 1-D

It was seven in the morning when I arrived in the classroom. As always, a few of my classmates were late, while others were either slacking off or talking to each other. They continued to enjoy their life without worrying about the future. Just from their eyes, I could tell that none of them were determined to change the way they are, not even for the better.

I sighed and placed my hand over my head. "I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare..." I muttered to myself. I went over to my desk and sat down at my seat, placing my bag at my feet.

Just as I did that, Furukawa entered the classroom with his usual terrifying expression on his face. He sat down in his seat next to me and gazed at the front of the class for a moment before turning to face the window.

"Our class doesn't seem to be working out so well." I said to Furukawa, who was silent and staring outside. "Do you think our class will ever change? Will we ever reach Class A?" Furukawa continued to remain silent and I glared at him, irritated that he wasn't answering. "Did you hear what I said?" I asked him with an annoyed voice.

He sighed and finally turned his attention towards me. "Yeah, I heard you." My glare intensified, but it didn't seem to faze him. "Whether our class changes or not depends on them. If they choose to do nothing, then we'll fall. If they choose to work and fight, then we'll be able to rise up and move forward."

"Yes...I suppose you're right." I agreed, still irritated by him. "To do that though, we need to come together as a class. We need everyone's trust and cooperation to make it possible. Furukawa-kun, do you have anyone you talk to?"

Furukawa gave me a blank stare. "Does it look like I have friends?" He said it so honestly and so immediate. It was true. He does seem like an individual who doesn't have many friends, yet alone communicates with anyone. "And since you don't have friends either, it'll prove quite difficult."

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