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Advanced Nurturing High School; My Room

I arrived at the door of my room, unlocking it and going inside. I placed my bag at the foot of my bed, then I went over to my wardrobe, grabbing some new clothes and a towel. I stepped into the bathroom closing the door behind me, then I took off my school uniform and stepped into the shower. Turning it on, cold water came down on me from the showerhead, cleaning my body and refreshening me.

As I took my shower, I started to think about the progress of Class D. At first, I saw them all as nothing more than defects-clueless and mindless human beings who knew nothing of the people nor the things around them. They were weak-willed, and they hardly had any discipline. There was no mistake that they were all in Class D. However, my view of them slowly began to change when a certain girl stepped up.

Horikita Misaki. Thanks to her leadership, the entire class was able to come together as one and improve themselves. And thanks to her actions, the class was able to gain some Class Points, even though it wasn't much. It was a start. Should Horikita Misaki continue to grow and improve herself, she along with our class will continue to get better and eventually, we'll be able to take on the other classes and future exams with ease.

After a while, I turned the shower off and stepped outside, drying myself with my towel. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and with my hand, I wiped off the fog. I took a breath and I looked at my reflection in the mirror, staring at my dark-gray eyes and black hair. As always, my face was expressionless. And it's always been like that ever since that day.

You see, I'm not like everyone else. My entire body was covered in multiple scars, all which were from cuts and stabs made by a sharp weapon. All which happened years ago...

In front of me, there was a boy. In his hand, he had a piece of metal shaped into a sharp blade, and he came closer and closer to me as he held it tight. As for me, I too had a makeshift blade of my own, but unlike him, I didn't have a desire to use it. I couldn't. Instead, using my fists, I moved and threw a palm strike to knock him down, but he swiftly dodged it. And then...


"Ggh...!" Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my right arm and I grabbed it. While holding it, I felt something wet, something flooding out through my fingers. When I let go and looked at my hand, it was covered in dark-red blood, dripping down all the way to the ground. I had been cut. But it wouldn't just be one.




I was struck multiple times. Cut after cut after cut. Blood poured down my entire body from my arms all the way down to my feet. I was injured, and I was panting-breathing second after second. Yet...I felt nothing. The pain that I felt not too long ago disappeared, and what I felt instead...was nothing but cold.

The boy came in front of me, staring at me with his blank eyes. He raised his blade up into the air, preparing to strike me down for good. So in my final moments, I decided to throw one last attack. With the remaining strength I had, I moved my arm quickly, throwing a swift punch to his face. It was futile. He moved his head and dodged my attack, then swept my legs, knocking me down. He came on top of me, pinning my arms and legs, restricting my movement to resist. Then, with his blade...he struck me in the heart.

My vision slowly began to go blurry. His face, the room, and everything. All of it was slowly disappearing as I laid on the ground in a pool of my own blood. The cold feeling I had began to become even colder and colder. And everything else I felt...was gone. I was dead. Or so I thought...

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