V.1 Horikita Misaki SS: What Are Friends?

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"What are friends?" I remember asking that question to my Okaa-san years ago when I was little...

It was morning. I was outside of my elementary school, sitting down by myself on a bench by the playground, reading quietly to myself. The book I was reading was a chapter book, which was meant for upper-level students, but due to my unique set of abilities, I was capable of understanding it.

As I went through each page, I heard the laughter and giggles of the other kids who were nearby-playing and running around with each other. Raising my head, I looked away from my book for a moment and took a glance at them.

"Friend" was what they called each other. They were people who you were close to-people who you knew and who you trusted. At least, that's what I think it means. I still don't fully quite understand it.

Why do you have friends? What was the reason to have friends? What was the purpose? Is it better to have them or not? Just what are friends?

Having a bond with someone else besides your family just didn't make sense to me. Perhaps my mother will know more about this subject.

The Horikita Household

After school ended, I left and walked back to my house. "I'm home..." I said, entering inside.

"Welcome back, Misaki," said my mother, who was in the kitchen-cooking some dinner.

Going up to my room, I placed my bag next to my bed, then I went back downstairs and entered the kitchen where my mother was.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"No, it's fine. I'm almost done."

"I see." I picked one of the chairs near the kitchen table and sat down. With there being nothing to do, all I did was watch her as she worked. As I quietly stared at her, the question came to mind. "...Okaa-san. What are friends?"

My mother, who was stirring a pot of hot food, stopped herself and turned to look at me. "Where did this come from?" she asked.

"I'm just curious. At school, the other kids hang out with each other, and they smile and laugh because they're 'friends'. I want to know what they are."

My mother stared at me for a moment, a little surprised to hear such a question from someone my age. With the food already being finished, she turned off the stove, then came to me.

"'Friends'...I'm not really an expert, but I've experienced having a few of them." My mother sat down in front of me. "From what I can tell you, they're your companions. They're people who you place your trust in and who are reliable at times when you need them most. You may work together towards a common goal, or you may hang out just to talk to one another. Or you may create a rivalry that may last a lifetime..."

"Are 'friends' bad?" I asked.

My mother shook her head. "No, they are good," she said. "Years ago, when I first entered high school, I distanced myself from everyone, believing that they were not needed, that they were useless. But...as I spent time at the school, my perspective began to change. Having friends was a good thing. They weren't useless, and at times when I was weak, I needed them. I..." She paused for a moment, then shook her head. "Anyways, I hope you understood a little better, Misaki."

I nodded. "I did. Thank you, Okaa-san." There was a brief pause and a moment of silence. "...Did Otou-san have any friends...?" I asked.

"...He did. And hopefully one day, you will too."

"Friends"...I think I understand it now. But...I wonder...will I really need them? Will they be useful for me...? Would these "friends" prove well to help me...?

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