V.1 Furukawa Hideyoshi SS: The Girl With Black Hair

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After some time, the bus had come to a stop as we arrived at our destination. The doors opened, and following behind the other students, I stepped outside and looked to see the school in front of me.

Moving forward, I walked and went on the stairs up to the school gate. By my side, I noticed a familiar figure walking alongside me. It was a girl with black hair-the same girl I sat by on the bus as we made our way here. It seems like the two of us were heading in the same direction. One could say it was a coincidence.

Receiving directions from the teachers, I entered the school building and headed on my way to my classroom. As I walked in the hallways, I noticed many other students walking in the same direction as I was. Like me, they too were new students here, and they were making their way to their class.

As I kept walking, I finally arrived at the doors of my classroom. Stepping inside, I looked to see most of the seats taken up by many students who had arrived earlier than I did. There was a mix of boys and girls, and every one of them were talking with one another, introducing themselves to new faces and becoming friends. This class would be my class from now on, and these students would be my classmates for the time I'm here.

I took a look around the room, searching for an empty spot. That's when I saw nameplates sitting on the desks-each of them having a name belonging to a student. Seeing this, I carefully looked at each one and saw my name on a desk in the far back corner of the classroom.

I walked towards my desk, sitting down in my seat and placing my bag at my feet. For someone like me, this wasn't too bad. If I had sat somewhere in the front, I would've gotten more attention than I wanted.

Just then, the doors of the classroom opened. Glancing from the corner of my eye, I looked to see the same girl with black hair. She was looking around the room, searching for a desk with her name on it. She gazed at the desks in the front, making her way down to the back row where I was sitting. She looked at my direction, taking a quick glance at my desk before turning her attention to the desk next to me. She walked towards me and sat down in her seat, which was to my right. It seems like we were going to be neighbors.

I turned and glanced at her nameplate on her desk. It read: "Horikita Misaki". The girl with black hair, who I have been seeing, was known as Horikita. Seeing that we were going to be in the same class, I decided to talk to her.

"Did you want my spot?" I asked.

She turned to look at me. "Why do you think that?"

"It's not so hard to figure it out. Considering your facial expressions and body language," I explained.

Earlier, she had took a glance at my desk before making her way to her seat beside me. I noticed her face and the way she was acting, and that's when I knew that she was hoping to sit at my spot, which was all the way in the back.

Horikita, the girl with black hair, stared at me for a moment, then spoke. "Yes, you're absolutely correct. I did want your spot. What about it?" she asked.

Hearing the difference in her tone of voice, I wonder if I made her upset in any way. Maybe it was my words? Or was it the way I talked? I didn't have good communication skills, so I wouldn't know whether I was right or wrong. I thought about my next words, then I spoke.

"You're a loner. That's why you want this seat in the very back of the classroom. To escape everyone. Isn't that right?"

I failed. Horikita squinted her eyes and glared at me. "What is it that you're trying to get from me?" she spoke in a serious and stern tone.

This time, I thought about my next words more carefully and kept it simple. "Nothing. I just wanted to talk." With that, I held my chin with my hands and turned away. I heard Horikita mutter something to herself, but I didn't hear much of it. I assumed she was still upset.

I wonder if she and I would get along at all at this school. ...No, probably not.

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