V.1 Furukawa Hideyoshi SS-A Simple Fight

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After the meeting with Matsubara-sensei, Horikita and I walked through the hallways of the school building, finding a spot for us to talk. We found ourselves entering the school courtyard, and upon arriving, we looked to see three students who were there. There was the Student Council President-Mukai Yumiko-and the Student Council Secretary-Mihara Kenshin. As for the third student...I don't recall ever meeting him.

"Kurogane Seiji", said Mihara.

"What is it, Mihara-senpai?" he asked.

The third student was named Kurogane Seiji. Seeing that I have never seen him before in person nor on the OAA app for the first-years, and he called Mihara "senpai", I assumed that he was a second-year.

For the reason why they were here, it seems that the three of them were talking about the expulsions of a few students from the second-years. Two were recently expelled, along with eight other students. Mihara had accused Kurogane of expelling them all from behind the scenes, using his position in the Student Council to do so.

Just then, Kurogane turned to look at us. "Seems like we have a few visitors."

Mihara Kenshin and Mukai Yumiko both turned to look at us. "You..."

Surprised by our presence, they asked us why we were here. I told them that Horikita and I were looking for a place to talk, but they had taken our spot. We were just about to leave to find another place before Kurogane invited us to stay and talk here if we'd like. He even invited us to listen to their conversation. Mihara didn't like the idea, nor did we think it was right to stay, but Kurogane assured us it was fine.

And so, they continued on with their conversation. Mihara pushed forward with his accusation, persisting and demanding an answer from Kurogane. With a grin on his face, he admitted to all of us that it was him.

His decisions and his actions were all based on a "survival of the fittest" instinct. To put it simply, Kurogane had a desire to be at the top and to make sure that at all costs, he stays there. Hence why, he expelled those eight students.

In a way, he reminded me of someone I once knew in the past. That someone had a similar ideology, but it was far more complex and harsh. There was no mercy shown, and one by one, the other kids around me disappeared with no trace of them left. Even I couldn't escape their wrath.

"Tch!" Just then, Mihara grabbed Kurogane by his collar, surprising both Mukai and Horikita.f

"Mihara-kun!" Mukai shouted.


The act of violence. I had hoped that this wouldn't happen, but it seems like it was inevitable from the start.

Kurogane moved, striking Mihara in the chest with a few punches, knocking him back. Next, Kurogane spun and kicked him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Seeing this, Mukai rushed to him, standing between Kurogane and Mihara.

"Get out of the way."

"No. If you're going to get to him...you'll have to go through me..."

From what I can see, Mukai didn't seem to have any fighting experience. Yet, she showed such courage and bravery standing against Kurogane, someone who does know how to fight.

She's willing to give her own life to protect Mihara-senpai...

"...Fine." Kurogane folded his hand and prepared to jab Mukai, but with a quick step, I moved forward and grabbed him, holding him in place. "You..."

I once stood by and watched others get hurt. To do nothing and see it happen again... "You were really going to hurt her, weren't you...?" Kurogane replied to me with a grin.

"Enough! Let him go!" said Mukai.

Even when in danger from a close friend, she still cares much about him. She reminds me of-

"Hmph!" I had loosened my grip on him, which gave him a chance to throw a kick at me. Luckily, I was fast enough to dodge it. "Oh?" Kurogane grinned more and more, then moved again and threw a punch. Using my arm, I deflected his attack.

Hm... At that moment, I felt a sharp pain in my left-arm. It seemed like I had strained a muscle, and the pain worsened as it was being twisted like a knot.

Kurogane had backed away from me and grinned. He asked me what I did and after I told him, he became highly interested in me, as well as Horikita, who was standing off to the side. Kurogane then turned his attention towards Mukai and Mihara, apologizing and telling them goodbye. And with that, he left.

As Mukai was helping Mihara get back on his feet, I looked at my injured arm. I clenched and unclenched my fist multiple times, making sure my arm was properly healing.

It has been many years since I've been in a fight. Perhaps that was the reason why the force of Kurogane's attack was able to hurt me. Still, that fight was quite simple.

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