V.1-Ch.10.1: Everything Starts Here

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After buying the test point for Tsukamoto, class resumed as normal with all forty of us together. Class D had prevailed. However, this was only the beginning of our journey. There were still many challenges ahead, and many opponents who we shall soon face. To get to Class A, the entirety of Class D must work as one. And to do that, we must find someone who will get us there.

Advanced Nurturing High School; Hallways

Just after class ended, Tsukamoto and all of us who helped him met out in the hallway.

"Guys! Thank you so much! I totally thought I was done there for a second!" said Tsukamoto with a huge grin on his face.

"Don't mention it, Tsukamoto-san," said Kasai. "If it were you or anyone else, I would've helped as much as I can. So I'm glad you're still here."

Kurino nodded. "Same! We're all friends, and friends help each other out no matter what!" she said with a bright smile on her face.

"It was just the right thing to do," said Karuizawa.

"You guys..." Tsukamoto looked at me and patted me on the shoulder. "And you! Ah...I can't thank you enough, Furukawa! You're a real bro, you know that?"

"...'Bro'?" I asked, confused and tilting my head.

"It just means you're my friend! Don't worry about it!" Tsukamoto nudged me a bit, then looked at Horikita. "I gotta thank you too, Horikita-san! If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't be here!"

"It was just a logical decision on my part, that's all. Honestly, I was hoping I didn't have to resort to that last option. But I suppose it all turned out well. Now you owe all of us, Tsukamoto-kun."

"O-Owe?" he asked, surprised by Horikita.

"Did you really think you could walk away freely after what we've done for you? Let me remind you it was 100,000 PP and we had to throw our wallets out to save you. You're going to have to pay us back."

"Ggh!" Tsukamoto had a concerned look on his face, one that seemed much worse than the one he had during the midterm exam.

"H-Horikita-san, isn't that too much?" asked Kurino.

"I don't think so. I'd say it's equivalent. Unless Tsukamoto-kun here is willing to do a favor given from each of us."

Tsukamoto grunted, then sighed. "A-Alright! I'll do whatever you guys tell me to do! But paying 100,000 PP?! There's no way I can do that!"

Kasai nervously laughed. "Hahaha...well, it'd be wrong to take your Private Points away after the hard work you've done."

Horikita sighed, then turned to me and bowed. "I asked you to lower your score and then you give away so many of your Points. Thank you, Furukawa-kun." She turns to Karuizawa and the others. "And thank you, you three. For giving away your Points as well," she said, bowing to them..

"No need to thank us, Horikita-san," said Karuizawa.

"Yeah, don't mention it!" said Kurino.

"Hm? Oh, hey!" Tsukamoto shouted and we turned to see Azuma and Kawasaki, sneaking away. Tsukamoto went up to them and grabbed them by the neck, putting them in a headlock.


"Where do you think you two are going, hm? Don't think I forgot you guys bailed on me!"

"S-Sorry man...! We couldn't pay that much! You know how broke we are, right...?" said Azuma.

"You...!" Tsukamoto started messing with them, choking them as they gasp for air and struggling to break free from his hold.

"Hehehe. They're quite a group of friends, aren't they?" said Kurino.

"Yep..." said Karuizawa.

Just then, from our classroom, Yoshinaga and everyone else from our class came to Kasai and Kurino, surrounding them. "Hey hey, Kasai-kun, you want to come with us to the mall?"

"Eh? Well, I..."

"Kurino-san, wanna go hang out together?" said one of the girls.

"W-Woah! There's a lot of you...!"

As I stood on the side, staring at everyone and watching them from afar, I turned my attention towards Horikita alone. "I'm impressed, Horikita-san. You handled the situation in the most logical way, and you acted it out splendidly."

"Don't try to flatter me," she said with a grunt.

"All I'm saying is that you're an intellectual and unique person. You've earned the trust of our classmates, and you guided them skillfully. Someone like you is a perfect candidate for a Class Representative."

"You're still on about that?" Horikita said, glaring at me. "I already told you, I-"

"Class Representative? That's a great idea!" said Kurino. Tsukamoto and the others turned their attention towards us.

Kasai nodded. "I agree. Horikita-san's the perfect person for it!"

"Class Representative...?" said one of our classmates.

"Horikita-san's super smart! She'll be great!"

"Yeah! With her, we'll definitely get to Class A!" Everyone began surrounding her, looking at her in awe.

"W-Wait. I never said I'd agree. I'm not even fit to be Class Representative."

"That's not true," said Tsukamoto. "C'mon, Horikita-san, you'd be perfect!"

"Hm..." Horikita grunted and had an annoyed look on her face. She turned to Karuizawa who was standing on the side, laughing nervously and smiling at her.

"Sorry, Horikita-san. I have to agree with them..." said Karuizawa.

This will do... I turned around and walked away from Horikita and the crowd of my classmates.

"Furukawa-kun!" Horikita shouted my name, but I didn't reply nor did I look back. I was no longer needed there. She had friends now-allies whom she can trust and rely on. This was a major step forward. All according to plan...

"Furukawa, there's something I want you to do."

"What is it, Sensei?" I asked.

"I want you to enroll in the Advanced Nurturing High School. There's someone special who will go there and I want you to aid them. Stay by their side and help them from the shadows. Do whatever they tell you to do."

"I understand. Who is this person you want me to aid?"

"The daughter of Horikita Suzune. Horikita Misaki."

Advanced Nurturing High School; Outside

The sun was coming down, and there was a cold breeze in the air. I stood outside, staring at the beautiful sky above me and watched as a couple birds flew by.

"Horikita Misaki...hm. As long as she wins in the end...that's all that matters..."

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