V.2-Ch.6.1: The Verdict

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Advanced Nurturing High School; Hallways

Ogawa and I were walking alongside each other, heading towards the Student Council Room. In a couple minutes from now, the retrial between Tsukamoto and Class C would begin. Mukai, the Student Council President, told us that we could bring forth any new evidence to this trial to support our claim. However, we had nothing. All I could hope was that Furukawa had done what I told him to do and this meeting would end at the moment we start.

As we got closer to the doors of the room, I turned to look at Ogawa. She was looking down, staring at the camera she held tightly in her hands. Unlike yesterday, Ogawa seemed to be a little more confident now, looking from her composure.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

She nodded. "Y-Yeah, I'm ready."

I stared at her for a moment, then nodded. "Good." The two of us arrived at the front of the doors and opened them, entering the room.

Advanced Nurturing High School; Student Council Room

"Welcome, Horikita-san, Ogawa-san," said Mukai.

Inside, we saw Matsubara-sensei and Tsukamoto, both of them already sitting down in their old seats. And off to the side, Mihara and Mukai-President and Secretary of the Student Council-were present. Like them, I sat down in my seat and Ogawa sat down in the seat beside me-the same one Furukawa had yesterday.

"Is Furukawa not coming?" asked Matsubara-sensei.

I shook my head. "No, he's not. Furukawa attending the meeting yesterday was enough for him," I said.

"Is that so...?" Matsubara-sensei shrugged it off and turned away.

Just then, the doors of the room opened and Class C stepped inside the room. "Welcome, Shin-sensei, Class C. Please, take a seat."

Shin-sensei nodded and he walked to his seat, but Nishida, Hoga, and Sugiyama didn't move from the door.

"Please take a seat so we may begin the trial, Class C," Mihara said in a stern voice.

I turned to stare at them and saw the expressions on their faces. They seemed a little nervous, and not only that, their bodies were shaking in fear.

"U-Um..." Nishida slowly raised his hand. "May we ask you not to start this trial?"

Hearing this, Mukai and everyone else looked at them with their faces lit up.

"Please elaborate, Class C," asked Mihara.

"After the trial we had yesterday, we realize now that this was all a mistake. So because of that...we would like to withdraw the complaint."

It seems like Furukawa completed the task I gave him. I was right to place my trust in him, as well as Hasegawa and Seong.

Shin-sensei stood up from his seat. "You wish to withdraw the complaint?" The three of them nodded, and Shin-sensei stared at them. "It's unlike you to make such a request at this time. May I ask how you came to this decision?"

"After the trial we had yesterday, the three of us came and talked to each other. And after some careful thinking, we came to this conclusion."

"And you were not at all influenced by any outside forces? You were not threatened?"

The three of them shook their heads. "No, this is our choice, Sensei. And it won't change." The three of them bowed down. "So Student Council, teachers, we apologize for wasting your time. But this is our request." Mukai and Mihara looked at each other, then turned to look at us.

"Class D?"

"We accept their wishes to withdraw their complaint," I said.

"Huh? But-" I grabbed Tsukamoto's arm, crushing it completely. "O-Ow...! What the hell...!"

"Just be quiet for now," I whispered.

Mukai nodded. "Very well. We, the Student Council, shall accept your request. However, by doing this, you and your class will need to pay a fee. And once you do, there will be no going back. Do you understand?"

"Yes, we understand."

The trial had come to a quick end just as I hoped for. Tsukamoto was free, and Class C was defeated. 

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