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Advanced Nurturing High School; Courtyard

After the confrontation with Kurogane Seiji, Mihara sat down on a bench below the shade of a tree along with Mukai, resting as he recovers.

"How are you feeling now?" Mukai-senpai asked.

"I'm fine..." he said in a weak voice, still a little injured.

Mukai sighed and frowned. "I'm sorry, Mihara-kun. About Seiji-kun, I-"

"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for that."

"...Right." Mukai smiled at him, then turned to us. "I have to say sorry to you too. Didn't mean for you and your friend to get involved in this."

"It's fine," I said. "It's just how things turned out, that's all."

She nodded, then turned. "Furukawa-kun, yes? Thank you for helping us there." Furukawa stared at her, staying silent and saying nothing back.

"You seem quite close to Kurogane-senpai, Mukai-senpai. Are you two perhaps..."

"No no no! It's not that! We're just childhood friends, that's all." That's why they were calling each other by their first names instead of their surnames.

"I see. But if you were friends, why did he try to attack you? His actions and personality don't make sense."

"Ah...that..." Mukai-senpai frowned. "Seiji-kun was...not always like that. We've known each other for quite a while. When I came here, he followed me in my footsteps." Mukai looked down. "During his first-year, before you all came here, he was kind and passionate towards others. He always lended a hand and always smiled when it came to his classmates and his friends. Seiji-kun and I were quite close because of that, but..."

"But...?" I said.

"...He..." Mukai-senpai sighed. "Last year, during the last few days, he...asked me out. When he said liked me and all that, I rejected him. I think that's why he's been so...cold now..."

A broken heart. The pain and sadness from having your love rejected can definitely change one's own personality. The cracks in the heart may heal over time, but what was left because of it will become the foundation for something better...or worse...

"Again, I'm sorry for what Seiji-kun did, and I'm sorry for having you two get involved in this."

"You don't need to apologize, Mukai-senpai. The actions done by someone else are not yours, so don't put the blame on yourself."

Mukai smiled. "Such wise words...and from a first-year too. Hehe..." Mukai looked up at the sky. "It's time we should leave. Right, Mihara-kun?"

"Right." Mihara and Mukai stood up from the bench.

"What you two have done today...I can't thank you enough. So, if there's anything I can do to repay you, give me a call."

Mukai gave me her contact information, as well as Mihara's. Within my contact list, I now had four people in total, two of them who are important figures at this school. The President and Secretary of the Student Council will prove to be useful in my search for my father.

After they left, the two of us stood in the courtyard alone. It was quiet, and there was no one else around.

"I never imagined you knew how to fight," I said.

"It was just basic martial arts. And I knew piano and tea ceremony as well."

"I thought you said calligraphy?"

"That too."

I shook my head and sighed. "So? You said you had something to talk to me about. What is it?" I asked.

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