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Advanced Nurturing High School; Keyaki Mall

After Takemi, no, Ryuen left, it was now just me and Furukawa standing alongside each other near the fountain. The sun was setting, and everyone had just begun to leave the mall for the day.


"You're still as quiet as ever, Furukawa-kun. Even after all of that."

"There was no need for me to speak. I knew you would handle it on your own," he said. "You seem to know the girl."

I nodded. "We were childhood friends. Honestly, I never expected to see her here. Then again, her parents used to go here as well..."

"Your parents are acquainted with each other?" he asked.

"It's more complex, but I suppose you could say that." Besides their relationship with each other, there was one other thing. My mother-Horikita Suzune-was the leader of a government organization known as Aletheia, which seeks out truth and exacts justice. From what I know, Ryuen's parents are agents who work for her, almost like bounty hunters. By catching wanted criminals, or even corrupt politicians, they get money in return. Lots of money.

"I see. Now I know why you asked her for help. But seeing that she wasn't willing to give us anything, what will we do next?"

"The deliberation meeting will be held in a couple days from now. We still have some time, but we need to find a witness as soon as possible. If there is one that is."

"At the moment, we have nothing on our hands. What do you plan to do if our search doesn't give us anything?"

I placed my hand to my chin and thought about what he said. "If we come up with nothing, then..." I paused. "We may just have to rely on something else. Or maybe someone else." Furukawa went silent and stared at me with his dark-gray eyes. "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"...No. If that's what you want to do, then I'll follow it."

I stared at him for a moment, then sighed. "Well, I suppose we'll pick it up tomorrow..."

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