V.1 Chabashira Sae SS: An Old Face

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I stood off to the side, away from the crowd of first-year students who stood in the center of the gymnasium. They were a new group of students, and every year, as principal of the Advanced Nurturing High School, it is my job to welcome them all as they get comfortable here.

"Another speech..." I muttered to myself as I sighed.

A few years ago, the chairman-the one who's currently present and took over after the previous chairman-had suddenly given me a promotion from being a teacher. The day I was offered it, I was shocked. I never expected for someone like me to be given such a position. Even Chie-another former teacher and one of my old classmates-was surprised.

Seeing that it was the chairman's wish, I was more than happy to accept it. And now, as the principal, I have a lot more work on my plate than I did as a former teacher. At times, even now, I miss my old job. However, like the students who graduated here and moved on, I too have to change and move forward as well.

"Principal Chabashira." One of the staff members came to me, handing me a microphone. I thanked them and took it, then walked up to the stage.

"Attention students!" Upon standing on the stage, all the first-year students turned their attention towards me. "Welcome to the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. My name is Chabashira Sae. I am the principal."

I started off with my introduction, then moved on with my speech, congratulating them on their enrollment and encouraging them to do their best while they're here at this school. As I spoked, I gazed upon the crowd and looked at their faces. That's when I happened to notice a familiar face-one I never thought I would see after so many years.

Horikita Suzune...

The girl looked awfully similar to her. Her face, her hair, and her stern and serious expression. There was no doubt in my mind that she was related to her.

After ending my speech, I bowed and walked off the stage as students and staff members clapped for me. Mukai Yumiko, the current Student Council President, walked past me as it was her turn to take the stage.

"Welcome, everyone! It's so nice to meet you all!"

Everyone focused their attention on President Mukai Yumiko as she spoke. As for me, I continued to stare at the girl resembling Horikita Suzune from afar, staring at no one else but her alone.

Class D...how many years has it been...?

Memories of a lifetime ago came flooding back to me. My class, my students, their achievements, and everything they've done together. I remember it all. And out of all of those memories, I would never forget Horikita Suzune.

She was an excellent student. I wonder if the girl resembling her would too become an excellent student one day. If only I remained as a teacher, maybe I could've watched her up close myself.

"Enjoy your life here at this school, and I wish you all the best of luck!" President Mukai bowed, ending her speech and leaving the stage. The entire gymnasium was filled with cheers as we all clapped for her.

I turned to look at the girl one last time before leaving and smiled. "I hope you will find a path where you too will have many accomplishments..."

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