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Advanced Nurturing High School; Hallways

After the deliberation meeting ended, we all stepped outside the room. Shin-sensei and the three Class C students went their separate ways, and we did nothing but watch them leave.

"You did well today, everyone," said Matsubara-sensei. "But you should rest in the meantime. You'll need to prepare for tomorrow after all." She turned and walked away, leaving us behind.

"Dammit!" Tsukamoto punched the wall out of anger. "Those damn lying jerks...!" He wanted to end this-to prove that he was innocent. However, the three Class C students-Nishida, Hoga, and Sugiyama-just wouldn't admit it. And now, all he could do was wait for the retrial.

"I-I'm sorry, Tsukamoto-kun..." Ogawa looked down and started to tear up. "It's my fault...I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault, Ogawa," he said. "You did good. So stop crying and stop blaming yourself for it."


"Besides..." he sighed. "We got tomorrow. We might have not won today, but we have a chance. So let's stop whining about it, alright?"

"O-Okay..." Ogawa wiped her face and she seemed a little better now.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." Tsukamoto waved and walked away.


Tsukamoto stopped and turned towards me. "What?"

"...I never thought you would be so kind. You've actually grown a little."

"D-Did you seriously just told me to wait just for that?!"

"And if I did?"

Tsukamoto stared at me for a moment, then turned away with an angry look on his face. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" He walked away and left.

I stared at him for a moment, then turned to Ogawa. "Will you be alright for tomorrow, Ogawa-san?"

"M-Maybe...I don't know..."

The doors of the Student Council Room opened. "Oh, Class D, you're still here."

"Mukai-senpai, Mihara-senpai," I said.

She turned towards Ogawa. "Is something wrong, Ogawa-san?"

"E-Eh? N-No, nothing's wrong..." Ogawa shyly looked away from her and tried to hide her expression on her face.

"Is it about the meeting we had?" she asked. Ogawa was quiet for a moment, but then she nodded. "Don't be so worried about it, Ogawa-san. I'm sure you did your best!"

She slowly turned towards Mukai. "B-But...you don't believe me...no one does..."

"It doesn't matter if I believe you or anyone else does. What matters is that you do, and that you continue to fight for it. So even if the odds are against you, be strong!"

Ogawa stared at her, almost admiring her, then she nodded. "O-Okay..."

"President Mukai-san, please remember our positions. We're not supposed to help either side," said Mihara-senpai.

"I'm just giving her some friendly advice as a senior, that's all!" she said to him.

Mihara turned towards me and Furukawa. "Will you two be attending the meeting tomorrow as well?" he asked.

"I will, but I can't say for Furukawa-kun."

Mihara turned to him alone, staring at him. "Do you believe that you can prove Tsukamoto-san's innocence?" Furukawa stares back at him, remaining silent as always. "Hm. I thought so," he said with a chuckle.

"Well, it seems like it's getting late. Shall we get going, Mihara-kun?"

"Yeah, let's go." Mihara and Mukai turned and walked away from us, then waved goodbye and left.

"I-I'll be leaving too," said Ogawa.

"I'm counting on you tomorrow, Ogawa-san." She nodded, then waved goodbye and walked away. Now, it was just me and Furukawa in the school hallways.

The two of us remained in silence, and as the sun continued to come down, darkness spread throughout the building. Like during that time in the school courtyard, I saw Furukawa's eyes turn pitch-black and his blank expression becoming darker.

"Do you have nothing to say at all?" Furukawa stared at me and remained silent. Seeing this, I sighed. "If you're at least listening to me, I have something I want you to do."

"What is it?" Now he speaks.

I glared at him for a moment, then turned away. "Tomorrow, I want you to get in contact with Hasegawa-kun and Seong-san from Class B. From there..." I explained to him my plan once he meets up with the two of them, detail by detail. "Do you understand?" Furukawa silently nodded.

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