The Duke of Norfolk Territory

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Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR at the age of 55 years old passes away and it leaves Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, his heir to become Duke of Norfolk Territory.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is 30 years old when his father dies and he is the father of three children, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, Lady Patricia Charlene and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second named for his esteemed and noble great-great-grandfather.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is left with to find his two younger brothers and sister and uncle a bride and his sister a groom and he has his oldest son a bride as at the time his grandfather dies he is ten years old.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR moves into Norfolk Estate the manor his great-grandfather built in 2165.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR did not leave many good relations with other Dukes behind and Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR has to mend wha his father and grandfather has damaged.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR has to unite his family where his grandfather and father have caused much division between it.

The first thing he does is call a meeting for all the Dukes, Earls, and other nobility to come out to Norfolk Territory.

Lord Frederick William Howard had caused division between The Cliffords and Howards and Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR had caused division between The Becks and The Howards.

Lord Thomas Clifford is a Baron and Lord David Edward Christopher Beck is a Viscount, and neither Lord Frederick William nor his son, Lord Charles Andrew SR found them worthy to marry within the Howard family.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR looks at his youngest brother, Lord Edwin William Howard and in 2240. He is twenty years old and still unmarried and through their great-grandmother, Lady Margaret Penelope Devereux, she has a brother, Lord John Devereux who has a granddaughter, Lady Penelope Devereux who is 18 years old and she is the heiress to the Earldom of Essex Territory and the oldest granddaughter through his son, Lord Edward Devereux.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR doesn't want to see his youngest brother married unhappily so he asks their first cousin, Lord Edward to bring his daughter to Norfolk Estate so the two young people can meet each other.

Lord Edward Devereux is the first cousin once removed through their great-grandmother, Lady Margaret and Lady Penelope is their second cousin as they share the same great-grandfather, Lord William Devereux who perished in 2153 on Planet Earth during World War Three.

Lord Edward brings his oldest daughter to Norfolk Estate so she can meet their second cousin, Lord Edwin William Howard.

They allow the two young people to meet each other and Lord Edward tells his first cousin once removed, "Lord Charles Andrew JR. My daughter is my heiress and it will be her child and my grandchild that will inherit the Earldom of Essex Territory."

"I won't force my daughter to marry as my damn first cousin made you do. " Lord Edward explains.

"My good wife, Lady Dorothy and I only had two daughters, Lady Penelope and Lady Lettice, and as you know Lady Lettice married Lord Edward David Christopher Beck, Viscount of Elmhurst Estate. " Lord Edward explains.

"My daughter, Lady Lettice and Lord Edward David Christopher have just married and they have decided to wait in having any children." Lord Edward explains.

"I know Lord Edward David Christopher 's sister, Lady Charlotte Augusta and I was forbidden to marry her as she was only the daughter of a Viscount." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR states.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR didn't think to confirm any titles on his two younger sons or even his daughter. " Lord Edward states.

"My daughter will become Countess but if she marries you young brother he will become an Earl but he will not inherit my Earldom." Lord Edward explains.

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