Lord Patrick William Howard , After World War Three

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Lord Patrick Willam and his entourage finally arrived on Star Base 12 on April 30, 2158, and they went to work immediately to rebuild their lives and Lord Patrick William Howard started to help his friends to build their new homes with their Duked...

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Lord Patrick Willam and his entourage finally arrived on Star Base 12 on April 30, 2158, and they went to work immediately to rebuild their lives and Lord Patrick William Howard started to help his friends to build their new homes with their Dukedoms, Earldoms and Barony.

One by one all of them started to relive again, but unhappiness would hover over them all the time and then they would rebuild their lives.

Lord Patrick William Howard was the last one to finish his new manor and estate and he named it in the honor of his beloved, Norfolk in England.

It was a magnificent home on Star Base 12 and he claimed the northern territory on Star Base 12 and named his Dukedom of Norfolk Territory and it was the largest territory on Star Base 12, and Lord John Carey claimed the Western Territory named it the Dukedom of Bedford Territory, Lord David Robert Stuart claimed the Southern Territory on Star Base 12 and he named it The Dukedom of Lennox Territory and Lord Edmund Beaufort claimed the southern-western territory on Star Base 12 and he named it The Dukedom of Lancaster, and Lord John Devereux claimed the Eastern Territory on Star Base 12 and he named his Earldom, The Earldom of Essex and Lord Robert and Charles Valois claimed Providence within the Dukedom of Lennox and they divided it and one providence was name The Dukedom of Bourbon and the other was named The Dukedom of Valois, and Lord Maxilliam Habsurg named his Dukedom, The Dukedom of Habsburg.

Lord Patrick William Howard, Lord John Carey, Lord Edmund Beaufort, and Lord David Robert Stuart, and Lord John Devereux all welcomed their firstborn child in the year of 2165.

Three had sons and two had daughters in 2165, and in 2165, Lord Robert and his brother, Lord Charles Capet welcomed their first newborn children, and so did Lord Maxilliam Habsburg.

Lord Patrick William had a son, Lord Frederick Wiliam Carey, Lord John Carey had a son, Lord Philip Carey, Lord Edmund Beaufort had a daughter, Lady Jeanette VIrginia, Lord John Devereux had a daughter, Lady Lettice.

Lord Robert Capet, Duke of Bourbon welcomed a son, Lord Phillip, Lord Charles Capet, Duke of Valois welcomed a son, Lord John, and Lord Maxilliam Habsburg welcomed a daughter, Lady Joanna.

None of the young couples could expect too many children as they started but most had two children by the year of 2170, and Lord Patrick William Howard welcomed his daughter, Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard who he created as Marchioness of Pembroke Territory.

The majority of men are in their mid 30's when they become Dukes of Their Dukedoms and everything starts to go very well.

Lord Patrick William Howard remembers how in England that most of the Lords started warlords between each other and he doesn't want history to repeat itself on Star Base 12.

In 2170, The United Federation of Planets sent to Star Base 12, The President of The United Federation of Planets and they all signed the Prime Directive between each other.

The Prime Directive states that no one of The Lords may enter into another Dukedom without consent of each other and they must meet each other at each other's borders.

Peace is achieved on Star Base 12 between the Lords and Their Dukedoms, Earldoms and Barony on Star Base 12.

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