~Chapter 24•Drugs~

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•1st person•
I pushed Alastor away. As much as I liked the sweet gesture that's not Alastor behavior.
"You taste funny. Did Ozzie give you a drink?" I stood up.
  "Yes, why?" He tilted his head. Ozzie doesn't do love potions. But he does do alcohol. Did he get Alastor drunk? If so why would he act like this drunk.
"Stay here and rest. I'll be right back." I pat his head. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.
"Where are you going?" I pulled away.
"I know it's your 24 hours but I'm getting to the bottom of this." And with that I walked out. I went to the Vee's place. "Vox!" I pushed the door open to his studio. He raised an eyebrow with a smile.
"Star, hey you came willingly, what's up?" He opened his arms as I walked up to him. I poked his chest with my pointer finger.
"You tell me why Al is acting funny." Vox looked down at my finger and moved it away from his chest.
"Star, I got no idea what you're talking about." He put his hands up and shrugged with that dumbass smile of his. Oh shit, I just slapped him. He looked surprised then angry.
"Vox tell me what you did." Surprisingly he didn't hit back.
"Why do you care so much about the radio demon star, hm?" He held my chin up. I pushed him. That pissed him off. He took my wrist and dragged me to his office. He threw me in. I stumbled but didn't fall.
"Tell me what you did." I look back at him a stood my ground.
"I let you run around with him long enough. I'd thought I'd show you he wasn't such a nice guy and you are doing this to me. Just because you are hanging out with that prick doesn't mean I don't own you." He walked up to me but I backed away.
"What did you do?" My back hit his desk. If I was to do anything now it would be fight. Yet that would risk a dizzy spell and that would suck ass.
"You want to know what I did? I let Alastor show his true colors to you, his toy." He came closer and basically cornered me on his desk. He put his hands on the desk, his face inching towards mine as I back away.
"That isn't Alastor and I'm not what I was in the list ring. People change, and if he was like that so what, he ain't like that now." Vox laughed.
"You really don't get it do you? It doesn't matter what I did, or what I do. I still own you. I know you're a Morningstar." He grabbed my chin. "I paid Ozzie to give him a drink Val made, no questions asked."
"You drugged Alastor?" I grit my teeth. He better hopes I don't kill him because Alastor will.
  "Ozzie gave him the drink."
  "That you made!" He grabbed my face, digging claws into my cheeks.
"Morningstar or not I own you." He pushed me to the side. I fell to the floor. It would be useful for one of the fucking Vee's to get in here. I'm not risking passing out.
"In the studio. If I left now you can't do shit." I sat up holding my cheek. He walked over and knelt down by me.
"Tell me, if you're the second most powerful demon in hell, why did you make a deal with me?" He used his pointer finger to tip my chin up.
"Just tell me how to fix Alastor. I'll work for 3 days straight just tell me what to do." I looked down as tears fell from my eyes.
••••••••••Time skip••••••••••
I walk into the hotel. Looking around, everyone had gone to bed. I rush upstairs, only limping slightly. I go into my room and look down at me leg. God damn it, fucking Vox. I put my hand against my thigh. I heal my wounds, thank god I'm half angel, and rush to my nightstand. Got ya.
*knock knock*
Come on Alastor, I left you for an hour.
"Yes my dear?" He leaned down and held my chin up.
"Drink this." I hand him a tiny bottle. He looked down at it then up at me.
"Because Ozzie drugged you. More like Vox did. This will make you fall asleep meaning you'll get sober without any of your creepy shit." I did feel bad. When he wakes up tomorrow I owe him something. Without another question he drank the bottle.
"If you say."
"Fuck, Al no-" I'm not this strong. I'm holding up Alastor. I stumble helping him to bed.
•Alastor's POV•Next Morning•
I wake up feeling like shit. I didn't drink much yesterday, only that shitty drink Ozzie gave me. I was to distracted by Y/N's performance to tell what it was.
   I grabbed my over coat and threw it on. I didn't have time to fix myself up and look presentable. I had to find Y/N. The last thing I remember clear enough is her crying. When I came downstairs I couldn't find her.
  "Al- holt shit you you like shit. Wait I didn't mean it like that!" Charlie said. She was an odd one.
"Have you seen your sister?" She looks around them thinks.
"No clue." She shrugged and hopped away. I went over to husk who didn't look up at me.
"At the bar." Is all he said. So I went to the bar. It was a well known place by all us at the hotel. Angel, Husk, and Y/N come here frequently. I walk in and there she is. On a couch with Vox like a toy. Everyone is by them having a good time. I guess Vox will die in front of what he always wanted, a crowd.
Willows notes: srry y'all state was today lol. Btw y'all hate Vox so let's see what our man does to him

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