~Chapter 31•Meeting the First Man~

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      •1st POV•
   I walk into the meeting room with no explanations. I was going to see a holographic video of Adam being a bitch, what a surprise. Until I walked in and I was met with a portal...to heaven. I guess since I'm older I get better treatment? I don't trust this. I look around it to see a note on the table.
      "Go in ~ Adam"
  I really don't want to go in now. I've met Adam before. Dad took me to a meeting when I turned 'old enough' to his standards. While waiting for the meeting to start, because it was with a ton more people, we talked around. Adam eventually came up to me and tried his best a flirting until he found out who I was. Then he tried harder.
   I slowly walk into the portal to be greeted by Adam, sitting at a table, lute by his side.
  "Im glad you could make it, Mrs. Morningstar." He gestured to the seat across from him. The portal closed behind me as I sat down.
  "Oh I'm not married, and please call me Y/N." Come on keep the smile and business attitude up Y/N.
  "You've matured since the last time I saw you, eh?" He took a rib off a silver platter.
  "My father told me I needed to be at this meeting. I have a feeling you planed on this." I leaned back in my chair realizing there's no point to this. He laughed briefly.
  "No. Yes. Would it impress you more if I said no or yes?" He reached over for another rib. My eyes followed the sudden movement. "Want one?"
  "No thanks. Ribs have never been my favorite." My eyes wandered back to his face. He shrugged and kept eating. I know he wears a mask. I've never seen him without it before.
  "You done staring?"
  "Is there a reason I'm here?"
  "No we wanted to hear your whining for an hour." Lute piped up with her sarcasm.
  "Sorry love, adults are talking." I gave her a smile and batted my eyes. Adam took this as a chance to 'impress me.'
  "Lute get lost." Which she reluctantly did, leaving me and Adam alone.
  "Yes hot stuff?"
  "First of all ew."
  "Second of all, you were the first man so you know a lot about men, yes?"
  "I guess so yeah." He nodded and reached for another rib.
"How do I know if he likes me?"
"You want serious advice here kid? You can never tell. You have to be straight up and tell him how you feel."
  "Thanks. Now why am I here?"
  "The extermination law needs updating now because of our decision so...wait are you not going to ask me out? Damn."
"You weren't the man I was asking about."
"Why not sweetheart? I'm perfect for you." He leaned forward in his chair. I had to hold myself back from laughing. Honestly how did he think that.
"How so?"
"Well I'm like the man you can't have but want. Think about it, next queen of hell with the first man and head of the exterminators, together? That's a no go, perfect rebellious act to your father."
"And what makes you think I want to be rebellious?" I couldn't help but laugh a little. He stood up and walked towards me. On the way he took off and set his mask aside.
"You're just a kid. You've been shunned by your people," he leaned down and cupped my cheek with his hand, "your father, your sister. Even your mother left you and took Charlie instead. Years and years of shit throw at you, you could just throw it back at them." Now I want to slap him more then I did before.
"And I'll do that by sleeping with you?" His words had phased me a bit. Not in the way he wanted though.
"Come on princess, what do you gotta lose?"
"My self respect."
"Ooo cold." He chuckled and moved his face a little closer. When I went to move my head back I stopped. He had his claws right by the back of my jaw.
"Adam, with all do respect, I didn't come here to see your failed attempts at flirting. I came on business." I grabbed his hand with mine and moved it away.
"Fine then sweetheart, do as you please." He backed away and went back to his seat.
•after the meeting•
I walk out of the portal with a huge sigh. After it closed I pick up the nearest think and throw it at the wall, causing a pretty big hole.
"Well that was uncalled for." A arm wrapped around my waist and stomach. I felt warm breath by my ear.
"I had a feeling you followed me." Alastor hugged my tighter to his body.
"What's wrong?" His lips trailed down my neck and shoulder leaving soft kisses and bites.
  "Adam is a bitch and we got basically nothing done. He just kept flirting with me. Things could have gone real different if I hadn't stood my ground." I leaned my head back onto Alastor's shoulder.
  "I'll kill that bastard for you." His kissing continued back up to my jaw.
  "You've grown very affectionate." I tuned my head to look at him.
  "I can't help it. Everything about you draws me in." He leaned in and kissed me gently. "And you always taste sweet."
  "That's a first." I smile and turn my body. I give him a hug, which I needed. We stood like that for a few minutes. I heard his heart spread up every time I shifted my weight or moved my head.
  "What...what are we?" Alastor asked the dreaded question. It's an awkward question that kills to answer.
"Alastor I-"
"You don't have to answer." He rested a hand under my chin and kissed my forehead.
"I'm scared of another relationship. My last one didn't work out well. My last few actually. And I know you're an old guy but maybe let's just stay like this for a while."
"I know that I'm old but I've adapted my dear." He tilted my head up so he could kiss the front of my neck. He rested his hands on my hips. After a while I was blushing flustered mess.
"Alastor." I was met with a soft hum on my neck. "What are you doing?"
"Loving on you."
"Could ya stop." His lips stopped and he looked at me once more.
"You're asexual and I ain't in the mood to be left with no satisfaction." He only chuckled at my words. One of his hands drifted back to my chin making me look straight up. I was going to question him when I felt a warm pressure on the bottom of my neck.
He licked a slow stripe up my neck. At the top he let me lower my head a bit before kissing me, but not gently. The hand that was holding my chin up wrapped around my neck and shoved me back. I was trapped between the wall and his body.
"My dear, I would and will do anything for you."
Willows notes: told you it was long. And if you ain't blushing or kicking your feet I fail with this chapter

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