1. The Sunrise of a day

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So there I start my first ever story hope you'll enjoy reading.

Name: The Sunrise of a day
Word count: 1100
Published on: 22nd March, 2024



The sound of the bell made me groan, the morning football practice had just started and felt like it's just an hour since we've been practicing for the upcoming Under-14 Football girls match.

The team of girl squad had been accumulated on the ground since 5:30 am in the morning and right now it's 8:45am and the bell that rang just a while ago is a call for the morning assembly which is so boring and I'll as always ditch joining others and my friends would be there cleaning themselves up inside the washroom to clear the morning assembly.

Till then I'll be keeping the football accessories after practicing for 2 more minutes till the time watchman uncle doesn't check on me.

After keeping the stuffs back as I went inside the girls washroom my friends inside were doing something which I assume as getting ready for a runway walk.
"Aren't you guys done yet?" I asked rolling my eyes

"stop rolling your eyes girl, you see we've to get ready and look as fresh as morning flower unlike you" Soha muttered adjusting her hairs which I think we're already perfect.

"Well then I'd say I'll smell like one." I put my bag on the partisan standing there with one hand on the partition.

"Gosh! Just not again- go freshen up nandini and change your dress and take a shower, I'm gonna kill you if you come out by just applying that goddamn deo." Alyas frustrated voice took my attention.

"Alyaaaa yarr you know I'm not gonna take shower for fuckin' second time a day, and well why should I even when I've this (*waving the deo bottle) with me." I said with a smirk

"for Godsake Nandini I sit just beside you and I can't won't be appreciating you like that please." Alya said facepalming herself but as if I'm gonna hear her.

"well then don't, all you gotta do is bare me my love." I said taking out my uniform.

"okay guys! I'm done I'm leaving you guys can continue. Bbye!" Soha left throwing her duffel bag over her shoulder and waving from behind

I removed my shringuards, stockings and studs changed my jersey putting on deodrant I washed my face and changed into regular school uniform. Everyone had left by the time I got ready and as I was going for the class I heard my name being called. I turned around only to meet the face I wanted to ignore the rest of my year my art teacher.

Mrs. Chaturvedi: Nandini your art work is pending and also your name is present in the list for the art exhibition I hope you are aware of that.

Nandini: (*there you go with her rants ) yes ma'am I'm aware of it I'll be submitting my work till Monday and will go through the art exhibition work too.

She left by giving me a nod

Damn it now I'm late for the class thanks to her! Urghh Kavita ma'am my class teacher would've been taking attendance right now I gotta rush.

As I rushed to my class VIII B I saw my class teacher taking attendance and my friends giving me "what took you so long" expression looking out from the window.

"May I come in ma'am?"
I asked

She saw me and gave me a nod to come in I took my seat on the second last bench and my friends gave me digusted looks ( well that's because I had sprayed deo way too much I guess, but well I don't care they can breathe from their mouth as far as I concern) I realized my roll no. is yet to be announced for the attendance.

After three continuous lectures it was time for short break, opening my toffin I found small pieces of apples chopped into perfect cubes with a small fork stuck in one. I can bet it was my father who had chopped these because he is the only one who chops so finely like an actual chef.

I went outside for drinks break one of the aunties was distributing orange juice, well I'll definately like to have that as I stand in line for juice I overheard gossips about how good looking the new guy was, well I didn't find any new join in my class today must be in the other section.

" I overheard Ria and her group talking about some newbee" I pointed

Ansh: Yeah he joined today I saw him in the morning assembly surrounded by Lakshya and his dumb group.

Soha: he looked like a sweet dish to me *remarked soha with flirtious voice

Alya: Well then your choice sucks because he seemed like a teddy bear for real *rolling her eyes

Soha glared and took my hand and dragged me to VIII A.

She pointed out towards a bench while I was sulking with her girly act. As soon as I saw who she was pointing to my breath got caught and my face got pale "fuck" is what came outta my mouth.

Soha: Sooo... I assume you liked him ha!

All I could do was stare at the guy who used to be my best friend a time ago the person who I've been ignoring since a month now I assume, the one person in this planet who I've been attracted to since a while and the chuddy buddy of mine that makes me laugh like animal.

Soha: You seem to be in revere or should I say in the new guy's world.

I came out of my trance as I heard her teasing voice. " Bro HE is Aryaman"

Soha gawked at me with big eyes confirming "your chuddy buddy aryaman ? The one from Gurgaon? THE FUCKIN' SOUL WHO FUCKIN' ASKED YOU FOR A GODDAMN FUCKIN' DAT- Shut up I cut her rants as I realized she was being too loud now for the rest of the students passing in the corridors to hear her.

I shushed her and said "yess soha you heard it correct he is THAT-THAAAAT aryaman"

I glanced at his direction ones before leaving from there as I didn't wanted to get my mood into awkward situations.
As I was passing by the stairs I felt a tug on my hands and heard someone say " you seem to be ignoring me here as well Nanz"

I turned around to stare the deep brown eyes of his as no words came out of my mouth.

°You've both grown
and changed
but the moment
you start talking
the time and years
melt away

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