2. Catching up to where we were stuck

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Name: Catching up to where we were stuck

ord count: 1394
Published on: 22nd March, 2024



These people are so good and friendly I've a feeling it won't be the same as the previous school was, its gonna be my new and beautiful journey in this school.

I was listening what lakshya was telling me about the other section rivals I suppose when I heard krishna say " Looks like the rivals of ours has came here to have a look at you Aryaman, not new for Soha but I'm surprised that Nandini is also here."

As I heard her name I turned around practically breaking my neck and saw her leave. I without saying anything ran to her and get caught of her hand in hurry " you seem to be ignoring me here as well Nanz " I said

She turned around staring me and all I wanted to do was ask her that why she left me, ignoring me from every way she could- yeah I confessed her my feeling but that doesn't mean that she is gonna ignore me atleast we can talk like old friends and catch up but no she just had to run away and ignore me.

Even though I was hurt by her reaction but I can't let her just ignore my presence when I'm here in her school now.

I said again" how are you doing Nanz? I've been missing our time and you."

She said blinking and clearing her throat " I've been doing good how are you present in my school ?"

"Well, you see this school isn't just yours now I also took admission here like a week ago."

And then again the staring game started, she left my hand out of a sudden murmuring " I gotta go "

But I wasn't done yet, not again- I ain't gonna let her leave, not for old time sake atleast, I called her again saying " talking to me! Don't just leave like that again, atleast for old time sake Nanz."

She turned and we stayed silent like that for a while when suddenly her friend Soha I assume came-

Soha: umm... I guess I should leave and get others you guys have fun catching up?

Nandini didn't even ones left looking at me and then she just gave a nod confirming she is alas gonna talk to me now.


We talked, talked for a while and now we were laughing on remembering something silly that had happen some years ago.

"And all this was recorded by my lovey father." I said while laughing, as I told him that I found a video of us fighting like wild cats.

"It hurt me when you started ignoring me Nandini, but thanks for giving our friendship a chance and I promise you my feelings won't come in between what we have."he promised staring right through me making me melt in his soft yet firm words.

All I could do was nod in return.

We heard the bell ring indicating the end of short break.

"We should leave now for the 4th lecture " I said he nodded acknowledging my words.

We silently left to our respective classes. As I entered my class my friends hooted and all I could do was give them an expression saying 'shut the fuck up' and rolled my eyes. Well sometimes these people can give me shit of a headache.

As I took my seat Soha asked "So is he your boyfriend now!?? Damn it I'm soo excited and happy for you I've to find a cute couple name for you guys now-"
I cut her off before she could shit on it more.

" shut the fuck up soha" I said hissing "there is no shit like that happening anytime soon so you better keep your goddamn mouth shut" I ended.

Alya, krish,Ansh, Shahid were just controlling their laughter as the teacher had arrived. Ignoring all I sat straight stood up wishing the English teacher morning as other did and was bending to take out the books when I heard ma'am saying " it's going to be a merge class today so all of you are requested to take your books and required materials and form a single line outside, without making any noise. I hope I'm clear" She said in a commanding yet soft tone.

As I was taking my books out I realized I'll be seeing him again.

" come on Nandini just step out already we don't have all day for the love of yours to wait and the lecture to end " I heard ansh commenting behind me
I have him a side eye and left taking my items from the desk.

I moved out and saw him in the passing of corridor smiling and talking with his new friends which are actually our enemies for what I remember is forever. When his sight caught mine he gave me a wave of hand smiling enthusiastically and I waved him back with a soft smile.

We settled in the AV room where all of us were brought for the class merge the room aluminized with dull white ceiling lights studded on the black clothed ceiling many chairs arranged symmetrically inside the chilled room as I sat on my kind of common spot I heard aryaman from back " hey Nanz"

I turned around only to find him sitting on a chair placed right behind me. I smiled back and murmered a small hi to him gaining back my old posture.

As the class started we all got immersed on what Mrs.shri was saying; time went by we were whispering talking and hearing what what going on well can't help the chapter was boring for us to focus.

All of a sudden I felt a hot breath lingering on the back of my neck and then came a whisper tickling that area making me conscious " I didn't knew you would be that person who would comment those nasty comments that too in between the class."

I moved forward rotating my head towards the source to get a view of Aryaman smiling sillily.

I gave him a look and then focused on the topic going listening to my friends and commenting nasty comments as Aryaman described that as - well no one can change me not that easily atleast.

After the lecture ended it was Recess and all of a sudden I realized I don't have tiffin box because it's Thursday and it's chole puri in menu today .

I checked my pockets as All stood up just to know that I've forgotten my wallet as well ,wow good nandini ,urgh...

As we were was moving out of the row slowly due to crowd inside I whisper-yelled Ansh " BHAI I forgot my wallet I'll be down on canteen line you get me some money from yours." Saying that I sprinted out of the row and the room to the canteen like my life depended on it- Well! It did I don't wanna stay empty stomach for the rest of the school hours.

I got in the line bholu bhai saw me and shook his head saying " I'll wait for your friend to give money go have your food for now kid."
I took the plate filled with chole on one side and 4+1 extra puri on the middle.
I left giving him a sheepish smile

Ansh came after 2 minutes or so giving bhaiya the money and came to me slapping the back of my head.
"What the fuck dude! I'm eating can't you see! "

"I'm gonna be there on streets in not less than a month, and it's all because of you." Ansh commented

"Well my friend you might be down with all the money that your parents give to you as pocket money but no way you are living on streets as they afford to live in a big ass bunglow so stop being a drama queen already. "rolling my eyes I continued to eat my lunch as we continued our banter.

Others joined not so soon when I noticed a new person in our group today that was the not so famous but famous Manik Malhotra.

The moment we reconnected,
it was like we had
hung out just days ago.
The years melted away with
the smiles and laughs. ○

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