5. Ease up to new World

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Name: Ease up to new World
Word count: 2101
Published on: 24th March, 2024



I was busy reading a poem which Soha had recently written when all of a sudden many paper balls were thrown towards me staring at it for a moment realizing what is happening I turned around to find Aryaman running out of the class room. Well now not again he is being giving me a headache since three months now it's almost the end of the year and we'll be promoted to IX that is the higher secondary class.
As I stood up all the paper balls rolled down my legs on the floor walking out of my class handling the diary in one hand I went towards the railing hoping my friends to be present.

As I reached the spot I found them talking and having their food

"Are you done with your art work?" Manik asked

"Yes just some touchup." I replied

Yeah, Manik has been present with our group since that day and well now it's like he always was there in the group that is there is no change as we barely talk, he is just the other member present in the group to me we just enjoy our time together. But I do notice that I've been bonding with this group more than I did with my older group.

Anyways the important thing is that there is just 2 weeks left for Art exhibition and 3 months for our final exams, not only that there are many other events which I'm participating in I hope I'm able to cope up with it. In not less than 2 days we've our Under-14 girls football match and then the other day a fest in school then carnival, also a competition. It's so hectic the end of the year.

"Did you read my poem? How's it?" Asked soha.

"Well you see I was reading when that idiot Aryaman threw paper balls towards me and ran away." I replied rewinding his doings of today.

"Don't you think you should give him a chance?" Alya said.

"Chance for what?" I asked

"Well, chance to his feelings obviously." Alya stated as a fact which I had been ignoring all the time.

"Not again guys it's first of all not my thing to do, and I've other shitty things to do, plus my day is way to hectic to give my self care time to others."

"Well that won't be a problem as you already give him a lot of your time every day." Said Ansh

"Since when did you got interested in all this dating stu-?"

"Since the time I saw how much you like him, should I say that now?" Interviened Ansh

" I do not like any guy in this world as of now, and he barely register as a guy to me" I stated which was half lie as I knew I've grown liking towards him the day he proposed me.

"Well we all know that it's a lie Nandi so don't start now accept it." This time it was Shahid.

Why the hell on earth are everyone behing my ass today.

"Nanz!" I heard Aryaman calling me on the top of his voice.

As I turned around and went to him without glancing at anyone I knew I just gave them my truthful answer to them. Well you don't need words to answer when you've people who know you so well that they can understand you with your way of reacting or being.

We both were talking when topic of Navya came up.

"I never talked to her after she got admitted to her new school, things have been hectic since then." I said.

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