22. Bucket list

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Name: Bucket list
Word count: 1700
Published on: 5th May, 2024



"Would I get discharged this time?" I don't wanna live my last few months in a hospital room eating bland food. Because if I have less time it doesn't matter if I die in 3 months or 4.

I have max to max 5 months in my hand. The doctor said this sudden increase in the growth of timer had been happening since a while now and he doubts if I was ever getting better before.

Comes out he was correct because I never really was getting better, Neither before nor now that doctor just tried to ease up the situation but well in these times whatever it is, he should've been truthful.

"Not today atleast, but you might be discharged by tomorrow." The doctor replied as we were done with chemo.

"Are- are there any chances if me to get well?" I asked still hopefull to live A little longer. May be an year or so?

"I don't wanna lie to you kid, but I'm afraid that there are any but if there would be I'll try my best to save you." He said staring down at me. "There are many cases of Children aged between 10- 17 and so on and I've seen many now, some gets through it but you see it's brain in which the tumor is growing so it affects your mental health and behaviour after getting recovered and many die. It can only be cured by chemotherapy or other like these but as of now that's the only cure. "

Nodding to him I stood up to go inside the room I've been alloted but I feel my sight getting hazy and head feeling light. I held onto the bed post which I was sitting before trying to look straight and clear.

"It's fine it's fine, that happens in most of the cases. Sit down and close your eyes." I followed his instruction when I heard father getting tensed.

"He is fine Mr. Khurana these are just the symptoms."

"Now open your eyes slowly and stand up." I did as he told me to and everything looked fine now.

"You feel good now?" I nodded and stepped forward with father holding my shoulder as he guide me to the room.

Mexican Sizzzler, Mexican grilled sandwich

Amusement park

horse riding

Watching a car race

learning guitar

I've so many things I want to do which I can't, because instead of Watching care racing I want to race. I want to see my parents happy for me when I do some big projects, but I can't. I wanna see and have future but I can't—

"What are you doing?" Nandini barged in looking happy.

"What makes you so happy?" I asked not being able to act out in my sour mood.

"Nothing, today was the first day of 10th and it was fun and now meeting you so I'm happier." She said with a wide smile showing off her teeths.

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