6. A new Born Feeling?

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Thank you so much guys, for your love and support also, sorry for late update, as today was holi I was busy with my family and then friends. Happy holi to you guyss!! Hope you guys had a great day . Please comment and tell how's it and do tell if the chapter is boring do tell, everything accepted here.

Name: A new Born Feeling?
Word count: 1700
Published on: 25th March, 2024



I can't believe it, she did This! We've been dating since 3 months now and she accepted the proposal of another guy. Well I knew she was a total red flag, but that was so not a humanly thing to do. Like come on who the hell having humanity would accept the proposal of your boyfriend's enemy goddammit! And after that not even informing your previous boyfriend. Well she is definately trying that two timing shits. And well I'm no idiot here, I've gotta plan some things for you sweetheart. I smirked as a plan of mischeif ran in my head.

"Guys! I've got something to tell you." Nandini turned from her seat looking at all of us, as the look on her face made all of us alert.

"Is everything okay Nandi?" Ansh asked his voice laced with worry.

He and Nandini share more or less like a brother sister bond these both are so close to each other that he gets it even when she is acting her best or being silent throughout, infact every member of this group is like that I just can let go off these people as they've become a part of me and has build their trust in me except Nandini.

"Yeah I'm okay, everything with me is fine as well but- I need to tell you guys something and I'm kinda scared about that."

"Woah Nandini Murthy is scared of something? That to to tell something to her friends?! What's up, I hope I'm involved in that? feel free to you know-." I said making a sudden serious environment cool.


"Wait! What!? No! No! No! No! No! Seriously!?" Continued Manik in disbelief tone

It was short break right now, we all stood near the railing which is our kind off fixed spot as we reached there Manik acted out his shit.

"What?" I asked being confused as what the hell is going in his pea sized brain now.

"You can't be pregnant " I heard him murmur in small voice

"What! Where does THAT even come from?!" Has he gone nuts or what now.

"So I was right you are a part of LGBTQ now? It's okay Nandini it's fine I won't compare you or discriminate you I've a very open mindse-"

"Manik Malhotra! Shut the fuck up you've seriously lost it?- Nooo I'm straight and into boys infact I wanted to tell you guys tha- that I'm da- Aryaman and I, we are dating, I confessed him yesterday evening , and yeah you know it- I like him. "

As I completed everyone jumped on me making me stumble back and stuck on the wall for support as my girl friends were squealing and other four were laughing as us as they backed down looking at my condition.

"I can't believe it, From where did you get the guts to confess him your feelings ha?" Ansh asked me with an eyebrow raised

I just shrugged as I couldn't really share the feel that a part of me had felt at that time.
" I was drunken by the emotions When I asked him out, you can say that, and then I thought why not breathe it down when we've already taken the first step? So I did what I did and now there are two people who are in a relationship."

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