18. Mismatched?

85 16 2

Name: Mismatched?
Word count: 4000
Published on: 24th April, 2024


Leap of 4 months

"I can't believe you Nandu!" Navya's voice coming from the phone echoed inside Nandini's room.

"What you can't believe Nav? That I had been hanging out with Manik ignoring your calls or I broke up with Aryaman?" Nandini asked laying flat on her bed with the phone in speacker, annoyed with her friends overreacting and impare her not so good mood.

"Both!" Navya screamed still shocked to know about the things going around her friend. It was yesterday she had called her when Nandini was practicing the lyrics with Manik for the music competition when Navya had called her.

"OK Navya you aren't helping I'll hanging up, Bye!" Nandini groaned putting the pillow on her face exasperated with all the happening which manly include Aryaman, her boyf- ex- boyfriend now.

Sighing she called Alya thinking about the conversation she had with Aryaman some time back.


"Hey Nanz!"

"Hey Arya! How are you doing? Might be near to exams I guess? I've my exams like a month from now."

"Nah mine are like every Friday, that too mcqs so that's not an issue really."

"Wait! So the tests that you say you are preparing every Thursdays are the ones which are actually recorded in your -"

"Yeah correct, anyways how's you preparation going?"

"Well, I don't know! " Nandini sighed yawning fourth time now.

"You didn't sleep last night?" Aryaman asked looking at her sleepy eyes with dark circles underneath.

"You remember it might be day for you when we talked last but it was night here."

"But we've been talking during those hours everyday now, aren't you sleeping at all?"

"No Aryaman I've been cheating on you with a guy presently living in my society who sneaks into my room and we make out."

"You can't be serious right? You need sleep Nandini! It's so not correct to talk to me while everyone is sleeping and also you should've been sleeping at that time."

"I know but I feel that we are- we are just being in a relation for the sake of continuing what we had started. " With a sigh Nandini confessed her thaughts to Aryaman.

"Is it? I've exams every week Nandini and still I keep myself up just to talk to you at times, or wake up early to have a conversation with you and that's what you feel now? Focus on whats important right now we can always chat instead of calling at late nights or warlt mornings. But please don't say these things Nanz- "

"Yes because you might just ignore it but we are loosing ourselves in this relationship. I've my exams and I can't focus too I'm not having time to study. I would be in school half sleepy then art work then I've been selected for music competition too, and when I'm done with school I've to deal with my tuition shits and then art classes 2 days a week and after completing my homework and activities it's already 9! After which I've 2 hours to study and then I've to call you. Thankfully I'm not having my football practice now orelse I might fail doing other things! And you just have your Fridays exams are you kidding me! I just sleep for 4 hours a day."

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