3. The New member

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Hello folks do give inline comments to help me with the story and mark my faults civilly.
Happy reading!

Name: The New member
Word count: 1282
Published on: 22nd March 2024



Shahid came with a new person beside him I just saw from the side of eye and ignored as I was busy eating my food.

"Guys Manik was alone today so I asked him to join today. " Shahid said.

I've seen this guy since I think I was in junior kg. but never really initiated a talk, he was like a never existing creature in my life who I knew as the richest guy of our standard and also his infamous pranks and obviously his name that's all I know we never talked nor ever saw each other or acknowledged.

I was introvert yet an extrovert person as I won't mingle up with new people but at times I'll mingle up and talk non stop without thinking not letting the other one speak and do crazy things with my friends around.

" Hi everyone" said Manik with a small smile plastered on his face.

As the Hi hellos continued I began

"So how come you didn't join your group I guess it's the group of lakshya that you are in, eh? Or is it that after you came to the same class as ours you happen to join us and try the flavor of your year? Look we are those people who doesn't leave the group if you wanna hang out you are most welcome but we aren't including you to our group. " as I ended Shahid smacked my head hard.

"Shut up Nandi, I asked him to join us and he came to join don't be all asshole Nandini to him."

I just shrugged and continued to dig into the food as others also fed into my plate.

"Im sorry to intrude Nandini but socializing isn't your thing I guess you happen to live in the same life every time yeah?" He replied back with mischief.

I gave him a look and continued eating when I heard him chuckle but I ignored his comments and his chuckles as I knew I said too much as well.

As we were dome eating we started our never ending game 21 dice or TDS.

It came to soha first and she chose dare, I banged my plate on the floor practically screaming " I'm giving"

Soha gave me a forced smile as I gave her the dare
"Anywhere near us you've to spank anyone that would be standing and it should be the first person you cross to. "

I could imagine that happening for real, I was controlling my grin as she stood up to do the same.

When she moved straight forward a big guy who is actually our senior came on her way and she stood behind him looking at us with pleading eyes and all I did was mouth "do it!"

She made a face and I all of a sudden noticed a glow in her eyes as if she found something interesting.

She slowly started bending down and stood up with full speed and hit that guy on his upper back making him jump forward.

I gave her a look as she apologized for what I assume is pushing him and also spanking his upper back.

As she came back I gave her a look saying " That there wasn't what I ment by spanking you idiot."

She replied with a cunning look "Well you didn't happen to tell me that where I'd to spank soo... " she ended up giving me her fake smile.

I huffed as she started the 1 count

It was my turn now and I took dare like come on NANDINI MURTHY IS DARING PERSON duh.

"Propose anyone present here." Manik said

I gave him a look saying "that's so boring now but well a dare is dare eh?"

I stood up finding someone to propose when Soha added "It should be the one who is around us and the one who has a little bit of information about you and that gotta be the first person you step to bro" She gave me a smile and I gave her a boring look.

I started walking straight when out of nowhere Aryaman stood infront of me smiling like he found a candy and my face grew paler as I couldn't propose him now!

The bell rang and I took his hand and ran out of the canteen area to our corridor.

I huffed and thanked God for nth time to make the bell ring the right time as I can't make our friendship complicated just because of a kiddish dare .

"What was that" he chuckled huffing while bending down.

"Nothing that should worry you now." I said

We continued walking and talking till his class came and left after that.

"Now that was a bad move Nandi" commented Ansh I just shrugged as I drink water.

Later others too joined him but my friendship with Aryaman is more important than that silly dare.

Lectures went by as time passed and now it was time for us to leave for home I sat on the bus line which had my bus number later i threw my bag there and joined others to have some gala time.

After reaching home I freshen up as mom dish out food for me after having that, I took my drawing book as I remember about my left over work, it took me hardly 3 hours to complete 5 of my paintings just one left now, then I'll think about exhibiting drawing too.

Glancing at the clock I realized it's almost 5:30 now I've to leave for my drawing classes.
Taking my bag and drawing board I left for there when I banged with my neighbor cum friend Vansh.

"Hey wassup Vansh?" I asked

"Nothing just going for riding my cycle you wanna join?" He replied

I raised my hands up showing my board and bag to him " I'm late for my art class for now so I gotta hurry! Will catch uo with you later." I said as I rushed downstairs.

Drawing is my passion- drawing, painting, art and craft everything creative infact I even like embroidery. It's like art defined me, calms me down and helps to explore myself.

After 2 hours of class as I returned home I summed up all the homework that has to be done by tomorrow and started doing that so that I could go downstairs for playing.

It was 9 pm till I got free so I had to join for dinner now and then I'll go down to play badminton. I planned and noted in my mind.

After playing badminton with that one friend of mine I got home to find everyone sleeping as it was 12:46 am I quickly freshen up and left for bed thinking about how the whole day had went.

That's when the thaught of Aryaman came across my mind and then came the words "It hurt me when you started ignoring me Nandini, but thanks for giving our friendship a chance and I promise you my feelings won't come in between what we have."

As his words stuck my mind I realized how insensitivly I had handled the situation and then too after what I had done he let me feel no bad about my doings. I'm gonna do the rights from tomorrow only. He doesn't deserve what I did to him I had to ment it right.

Make new friends , but keep
the old: those are silver,
These are gold.

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