2. The Meeting

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Rebecca Armstrong

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I muttered, running around in my house, looking for my car keys, I thought I left them on the counter last night, but I couldn't find them, and I was already 10 minutes late. I was never late. On the contrary, I was always too early. But not today, no, today, was just a disaster.

Eventually, I decided to walk to work, since I wouldn't be finding my keys anytime soon anyway.

Exactly 23 minutes after I should have been in my office, I finally stepped out off my house, holding a pile of papers, a cup of coffee, my phone and my house keys. At that moment it seemed pointless to even try to be on time, but I kept rushing. Doing that thing between walking, skipping and partially running. Great way to start the day.

When I reached work, I was so late it wasn't even funny anymore. I tried walking into my office but there was a woman blocking my way in. 

"Sorry can I help you?" I asked, trying to be polite but really annoyed because I was already too late and as far as I knew, I had no appointments scheduled.

And then the woman turned around, leaving me speechless.

Wow, if that was my punishment for being late, I would come late every day.

"Hi, I'm Freen, I'm kind of looking for someone?" she said while extending her hand, making me shake it awkwardly while I tried to juggle my belongings. Damn, she was stunning.

Don't drop your coffee!

"Hi, I'm Rebecca Armstrong. Who are you looking for?" I asked, still holding her hand. Wow, she was beautiful, and probably very straight. Not that it mattered.

"I am looking for miss Armstrong. Guess I found you alright" she spoke, never losing eye contact, making me feel very hot under her intense stare.

"I heard through the vine that you were the person I needed to see" she smiled, her dark eyes piercing straight into mine.

When I didn't answer for a while, she cocked her head to the side and waved her free hand in front of my face.

I nodded quickly and pulled my hand back.

"Yeah sorry. That's me you are looking for" I managed to answer, trying really hard not to check her out again. I opened the door and gestured that she could go in first. She smiled and stepped inside my office.

Of course, I couldn't help myself and I let my eyes trail up and down her body. Damn, she was extremely fit. What I wouldn't give so I could take her here and now on my desk.

I mean, focus, stop thinking about her perfect booty in that sexy red dress. She was here professionally, focus.

What was the matter with me? I hadn't looked at a woman in a long time, from way before my father had passed, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to her in an inexplicable way.

"Have a seat. How can I help you?" I coughed, hoping she didn't notice the turmoil and confusion going on in my head.

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