25. Invisible in a Crowd

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Freen Sarocha

I kept secretly slipping the pill in her drinks, before handing them over to her.

There was no use for a daily dose, but about once a week, I would empty the powder and my betrayal into her glass.

The change had been very noticeable too.

Before the love pill, she had been rather shy, but ever since I gave her the pill, she had become the seducing queen. Whispering in my ear, letting her fingers stroll over my body and giving me addicting kisses.

Was I enjoying it? Hell yes.

'My dad would have liked you' Becky casually muttered while she kept staring at the television.

'Why is that?' I curiously asked, looking at her. Her eyes just kept following Maura Isles, a character in the TV series Rizzoli & lsles.

'They are so gay and in love, it's so obvious.' she said, in the same tone when she had spoken about her father. I nodded, discarding the comment about Jane and Maura. Everyone knew they were practically married.

'Yeah, yeah. Why would your father have liked me?' I inquired further, moving the topic back to her dad.

'He would have seen how happy you make me. That would have been enough for him to like you.' Becky answered, still looking at the screen, pretending like she didn't just give me a huge compliment.

'Thanks. What was he like? Your father, I mean.' I said, trying to keep my voice as casual as hers, but inside I was cheering. I just got her father's stamp of approval!


Another part of me was also cheering, and that was the part still dedicated to my work. I knew I had to talk to her about it, not just because I loved hearing it, but because this was actually related to work, for once.

'He was a strong man. Proud. Loyal. He loved our country and enjoyed his work' Becky said, reminiscing about her father.

If her father were still alive, he would have admired me for doing what I did. Yet here I was, screwing over his daughter to get information for the country he loved so much. I couldn't help but note the irony.

'You know you can always talk to me, right?' I forced out, seemingly honest. Becky nodded gratefully and kissed me gently on my cheek.

'I know. Maybe another time though. I'm not yet ready to talk about my dad' she muttered, focusing her attention back on the screen. I bit my lip and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek, pulling her closer to me.

Why don't you start by talking about the things in his life, like his profession? We can gradually work up to talking about him?' I proposed in a comforting way, with only an underlying hint of inquiry.

'Can't really talk about his work. He made me promise not to tell anyone. Government stuff.' Becky casually mentioned, her eyes fixed on the television.

'If you can't tell anyone, then why did he tell you?' I curiously asked, keeping up my nonchalant act.

'There was only one man with whom I could talk about his work. But that guy never showed up. Damn, why does Jane keep going home alone?'

'She is an independent woman. Is his work so important that you can't tell anyone?' I jokingly asked, trying to keep the two topics alive, so I wouldn't come over as too suspicious.

'Yeah, it is. Independent, independent, she should be cautious, not independent?' Becky scoffed, shaking her head in disapproval.

Although we were having a serious conversation about her father, I couldn't help but smirk when she gave the live commentary.

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