16. An Extra Player

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Freen Sarocha

Billy, Billy. Shit, I'm in so much trouble? I shouted, running into his cubicle. He looked up from his work, leant back in his chair and patted on his lap.

'Come here and tell daddy about your girl problems. He said, grinning his perverted grin. I slapped the side of his head and sat down in the opposite chair.

'Don't be ridiculous. This is serious. You know, Rebecca Armstrong, well, my stories got kind of tangled up. I confessed, letting out a deep breath and holding my head in desperation.

What do you mean? You are the queen of stories, what happened?'

'One of my earlier assignments. I met him in the mall, and he said some stuff and well, the stories don't match up. I'm so fucked. She answered my calls this morning and I'm going over in the evening.'

I looked at my watch. I have 4 hours and 52 minutes to come up with a believable story that explains why I not moved to Thailand last year, why I moved in with my girlfriend a couple of months ago and why I told Seng that Becky was my first. I rambled on.

'Oh,' I heard Billy gasp.' You mixed up the real story with a fake one. You got personally involved. Oh my god, are you falling for Becky?'

At that point, my cheeks turned into a shade closely resembling the color of a tomato. Had I? Stupid question. I turned my head, trying to hide the new color, but Billy had caught it.

'You have.' he said, stating the obvious. I sighed, wanting to deny it, but for some reason, I couldn't lie about what I felt for her.

'It's complicated. I'm not sure what I'm feeling, but I'm pretty attracted to her.' I said, thinking about Becky. Pretty attracted was maybe not really the best description.

More like, falling head over heels.

'Damn girl, I need to see some action.

'Rawr'. Billy said, whistling perversely.

I hit him over the desk. 'Please, Billy, be serious. For once.' I almost begged. I was in so much trouble. I was going to lose her over this. I mean, I was going to screw up the mission.

'Let's see...You can tell her that you were seeing your ex-girlfriend before Seng, broke up for a couple of months, experimented with him, didn't know how to let him down gently, so made a lie for his benefit and started seeing your ex-girlfriend again.' He went on, making a believable lie in ten seconds flat. Something I had been thinking about for the last three hours.

'That's...Actually a good story?' I admitted.

He leant back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head.

I know. You might be the queen of lies, but I'm the fucking King' he bragged. 'King, with a capital K'

I made a little bow. 'I'm honored by your presence. Your majesty?' I said, only half mocking him.

The story was readymade, but somehow, I felt nauseated. I looked at Becky's accusing eyes and didn't know what I had to tell her.

Option 1. If I didn't tell her lies, I would have to tell her the truth, which meant screwing up my mission and exposing my company. Doing that would make her run for the hills. Scratch that option.

Option 2. If I wanted to keep dating her after the mission, I would have to explain some things later, including the lies I made up today. And those things would also make her run for the hills. Not going to happen.

Option 3. Lie.

I sighed. I didn't have much choice. The story Billy and I made up flowed out of my mouth, sounding so real, it almost convinced myself.


The nagging feeling in the back of my head kept me in reality. With every lie I said, I felt the future with Becky disappear.

She shook her head, her eyes softening.

'And why did you say I was your first?'

I started chewing on my lower lip, damn. I totally forget that part of the story.

If I told him about my ex, he would have known I lied about going to Thailand. 'I didn't know that the moment I said you were my date, he couldn't have cared less. Jesus, what a creep.' I stated, not even lying.

She nodded in understanding. 'Yeah, you sure know how to pick them.' she snorted, rolling her eyes.

I started giggling, amused by the situation and feeling that the bomb had been diffused. I slung my arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer to me.

'Come here, BB.'

She snuggled into me, pressing her body closer into mine. I felt myself heat up from her warmth, and when she started giving me soft kisses on my neck, 1 melted instantly.

I wasn't pretty attracted to her or falling head over heels. I had already fallen, hook, line and sinker. I was in so much trouble. I didn't want to play her, but I was going to need that love pill.

'Freen? Can I see you in my office?' My boss said, popping by my desk. I nodded; a bit confused. Why would he want to talk to me?

'Freen, a co-worker came to me. He had some concerns. Apparently, your current mission isn't going too well?' He said, leaving me flabbergasted.


'He didn't say much, but it seemed that you had some personal mix up with a previous mission. Seng. The company will take full responsibility if this goes wrong. After all, we sent you on both missions. he went on, fondling with his pen, making clicking sounds.

'Thank you, sir. But the situation is dealt with. I have already an appointment with the lab for a love pill' I said, trying to sound detached and cold, but secretly relieved that my best buddy Ruben hadn't said anything about my emotional status.

Best buddy, my ass. He went behind my back, the sneaky, rotting, rat.

I'm sure you have. Still. We are thinking about sending another agent.

'Sir, I have everything under control. You don't have to pull me off this mission. I said, trying to suppress the desperation I felt bubbling up inside.

'We aren't pulling you off, just sending an extra. Do you have any idea who might be a good match?'

I have never been so conflicted in my life.

On one hand, I wanted to pick someone for whom Becky would never fall, but on the other hand, if I did that, I would personally sabotage the mission.

'What about Songjet? She has a very fluent sexuality and she's gorgeous.' I admitted, feeling my mind go blank.

Songjet was easily the prettiest woman in our company. Was she better at her job than 1 was? Not really, her tactics weren't the best, but her looks made up for it. Like, really made up for it.

'Good call. She might succeed faster or double the speed in which you succeed. Both would be a success.'

'Yes, sir, absolutely?' I managed to choke out.

I walked out of his office, my throat full of lumps I couldn't swallow. I didn't know what I had to do first, kill Billy, go talk to Songjet, bury myself under a stone, spent the last moments I had with Becky or go to the lab.

I didn't want to give the pill to her, but if I still wanted to have a shot with her, I was going to need that love pill. Go to the lab, go see Becky before she met Songjet and hope that the pill will work. It wasn't how I wanted to make Becky fall for me, but if it was the only way, I had no other choice than to do it.

Hooray, trip to the lab.

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