27. Distracting

636 35 5

Rebecca Armstrong

'I found 26 and 27.' Freen said, extending her hand and giving me two sheets of paper. I smiled and placed them on the little stack of papers next to me.

'Great, I already found the corresponding sheets up to 32. You collect up to 40 and I'll start with 41?' I proposed, searching through the mess.

About forty minutes ago Freen had slid her hands under my skirt, which had made me completely lose control. Both eager to get each other over the edge, I had pushed her on my desk.

That, in combination with the movements we created, had made the pile of sheets fall on the floor. Too busy concentrating on our bodies, fingers, hands, and tongues, we just let the sheets go. With my paperwork gone from the desk, it gave us the opportunity to both climb onto it and test its strength. As it turns out, my desk can easily support two persons in action.

Still, in my office, we had to be quiet, and we started an unspoken competition where we tried to make the other scream the loudest. Neither one of us actually screamed, but the loud moaning and muffled exclamations of excitement definitely made up for it. I am surprised nobody interrupted us, but perhaps we weren't as silent as we thought and hoped we would be.

When we finished, we had to deal with the aftermath. Still groggy and flushed we dressed each other and started sorting the sheets that had spread completely over the floor. Luckily, they were numbered.

Unluckily, there were more than a hundred pages scattered all over my floor.

'I hope that no one will notice.' I muttered, looking closely at Freen. She flashed me a wicked smile and slowly let her hand glide up my inner thigh.

'They might if they stood close enough.'

'You smell like sex. You smell great.' she whispered, drawing circles on my soft skin.

I gave her an accusing glance.

'And whose fault is that? I can smell you on my skin' I muttered, tying my hair back in a ponytail.

'Great. And I didn't hear you complain.' Freen grinned while her fingers had reached my weak spot. 'I still don't'

I grabbed her wrist to stop the motion and pulled her dangerously talented fingers away from my core. To make sure they stayed away, I intertwined our fingers and kissed her on the corner of her mouth.

'No more teasing.' I murmured against her skin. She nodded her head, creating friction between my lips and her cheek.

'Fine, no more teasing. For now.' she gave in before quickly planting her lips on mine.

I pulled away and tried to focus on the sheets. With a stunning woman like Freen sitting on my office floor, it was an almost impossible task.

'You don't happen to know where I can find page 57?' I sighed, taking my eyes of her and looking at the giant mess. She shook her head in amusement and also started sorting the sheets.

'Next time make sure you remove my paperwork from my desk, before you start feeling me up.' I blew out, emphasizing the word "before".

'So, there is a next time.' Freen smirked, giving me a sexy wink. 'And it was so worth it, even though this really sucks.'

I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore that I did indeed say next time.

'Whatever, just...Whatever' I retorted, not finding a good argument. I didn't want Freen to know that I loved her coming to and into my office. Although I'm quite sure my actions had spoken for themselves, I didn't intend to say it out loud.

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