19. Comforting

708 45 3

Freen Sarocha

After our short, but heated encounter - encounter, counter, you see what I did there? - in the kitchen, we moved to the living room. We nestled in the couch and as always Becky threw her legs over my lap.

She had opened my bottle of wine too and we were really enjoying each other's company. All was good. Until she started talking about her day.

'Today was a weird day. I was trying on a dress and a woman just started hitting on me. Completely out of the blue.'

I almost choked on my sip of wine. Oh god, this is where it starts. I awkwardly swallowed and tried to calm myself down.

'Oh really? And was she cute?' I said, pretending to be playful, like I thought it was funny.

'Actually, she was, but also a bit creepy...'

'Anyway, she had brown hair and eyes, so she wasn't exactly my type. So, I just walked away.' she yawned, with an uninterested look on her face, stopping my heart from pounding so fast.

Brown hair and eyes not Lisa. I was so happy that she wasn't interested. Even better, brown hair and eyes weren't her type.

Note to self: ask what her type is. Hopefully, I was.

I felt my mood lighten, until Becky started talking again.

'Funny thing happened later. This other woman started talking to me when I was getting coffee in my lunch break. Well, I was standing on her foot, so it was kind of my fault, but we decided to have coffee together. She was nice.' Becky blurted out.

I felt my heart stop. Another woman had been hitting on her today. That was two in a row.

'Hmmm? And was she cute?' I asked, trying to make it seem like this didn't matter either, but I felt my stomach harden.

'Yeah, she wasn't my type either, but she was blonde, a gorgeous woman.

This time I really choked on my wine. Gorgeous. Blonde? That was definitely Songjet.

'Oh yeah?' I coughed, trying not to show how much that statement had affected me.

'Yes, she was really nice. We might have coffee together sometime.' Becky casually mentioned while her fingers were running over my arm.

I died a little inside. Coffee. Together.

With Songjet. I tried to swallow the usual lump in my throat, but this time I didn't succeed.

'That's nice.' I managed to choke out, the lump still preventing me from making longer sentences. Becky smiled and kissed me on my shoulder, making my heart pound faster again, but this time it wasn't because of me being nervous. I returned her sweet gesture by planting butterfly kisses on her temple.

She let out a sigh and pushed herself up to straddle me. Her legs placed firmly around my hips; her warm body pressed against mine. She placed her hands on both sides of my face and slowly brought her head closer. After almost an eternity of anticipation, I finally felt her lips brush gently over mine. This time a sigh escaped from my mouth and for a moment we shared the same breath.

'Stop teasing' I whispered against her lips, barely audible, but my message was crystal clear. With one swift motion she planted her lips on mine and a shiver ran through my body. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her impossibly close. Her fit body pressed to mine, as expected, turned me on beyond belief, but also awakened something else.

The shiver was followed by a warm, tingling sensation that started from my stomach and quickly spread throughout my whole body. Igniting something that I knew wouldn't be easy to extinguish.

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