12. Assumption

725 39 0

Freen Sarocha

I almost fell out of my bed when I heard my phone ringing. I quickly snatched the damn thing and pressed the green button.

"Hi, BB, miss me already? It's quite early" I said, yawning in the phone, squinting my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

"I like you too, Sarocha, but don't you think this is a tad too familiar?" Really BB?" I heard my boss voice coming through the speaker.

I shot up, immediately awake, hitting myself soundlessly on the head. "Shit, shit, shit" I cursed under my breath. This was a nightmare. Why didn't I just check the caller ID? It would've taken me less than 2 seconds and spared me more than a lifetime of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry boss, I made an assumption. It won't happen again" I quickly apologized, trying to save my face. I heard chuckling on the other side of the line.

"No worries, Sarocha, if that's how you greet your lovers, Rebecca Armstrong is bound to fall for you. Speaking of her, how is it going?"

If I thought earlier on was a nightmare, I was wrong. This was the nightmare. How long had it been since I even thought about the assignment? I started counting in my head, maybe one day? two days?

Oh, who was I kidding, it had been more than a whole week since my mind even thought about work.

Well, technically Becky was work and my mind had been thinking about her non-stop, but you get what I mean.

"Ehmm, it's going great, sir. I'm making good progress. Even though it's going to take longer than usual, I'll get her to fall for me. That piece of information is as good as ours" I said, trying to sound confident.

Damn you, Rebecca Armstrong. I had never lost focus before, the assignments before stayed what they were some great looking guys, but I could always detach myself. "I didn't expect anything less from you. Good job, and as always; you don't have to sleep with them, to get what you want. Just to remind you. Have a nice day, Sarocha" my boss went on, repeating the first and biggest rule.

You don't have to sleep with them to get information.

Most people thought that was the best way, but they were wrong, and besides we weren't prostitutes, and we would never stoop to that level.

I never slept with my assignments to get information, I sometimes slept with them after I got what I needed to know, but that was because I wanted to. But sleeping with Becky actually sounded like a great idea. Her long naked legs around my hips, her smooth breasts in my hands, her beautiful voice moaning my name.

I shook my head, trying to get out of my daydream. Jesus, what was wrong with me? If I didn't look out, I would be the one falling for her, instead of her falling for me. That wasn't going to happen, no way. I better took action. It was time to pay a visit to the lab.

I was on my way to the lab when my phone started ringing again. This time I remembered to check the caller ID, and I checked it good.

"Hello BB, how are you?" I said after I made sure it was indeed Becky calling.

"I'm well, thanks. How are you doing? I heard her say through my phone, making me smile.

"I'm well too. So, why are you calling?" I asked, looking at my watch. I was pretty close to the lab, so I would have to make this conversation short, even if I didn't want to.

"Just wanted to check if you were up for lunch" she asked making me stop in my tracks. This was the first time she asked me out.

"Sure" I stuttered, feeling myself heat up.

"Meet me at Luna's in say 25 minutes?" 

"Okay I'll meet you there." I said, hanging up and turning 180 degrees" The lab could wait one more day.

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