22. Soft, Fizzy Sound

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Freen Sarocha

So, I hadn't been able to cancel my mission, but at least he was going to remove Songjet. It was a small victory. Yay for me.

Note the sarcasm.

In the meantime, I would have to make the best of this situation.

— Are there some things you don't like to eat? —

On my way to the store, I quickly sent Becky a text. This was going to be fun. I could cook, yes, but I wasn't a chef. In fact, one time I had managed to set fire to my kitchen. It was just a small flame, but when you are trying to boil pasta, you don't expect it to catch fire.

How I managed to set fire to a pot filled with water, I am not even sure.

Why did I ask her over for dinner again?

- I'm not much of a fish person, but I eat it! :) -

Good, fish wasn't my favorite dish either.

I entered the store, took my trolley and looked helplessly around me. I pulled out my phone and started calling Billy. After a couple of rings, he answered.

'Hi, Freen'

'Hey, Billy, I need your help. I admitted, while looking at the vegetables and picking up a sack of onions.

'Want me to show you how you eat pussy?'

Billy crudely asked.

'No, yikes. Jesus. I'm cooking for Becky, but I have no clue. Come to the store and help me.' I sighed, while choosing some nice green apples.

I'm working, woman.' Billy protested, but I knew how to get my way.

'You owe me one. Now get your lazy ass out of your couch and come help me.'

'Don't try to deny it, I know you are just watching a movie' I stated, pretty sure of myself because he had just been hanging around my office all morning.

'I'm not exactly watching a movie.'

Maybe I was wrong.

'Unless you want to call porn a movie?' he grinned, making me roll my eyes.

'Yes, that's a movie, now meet me in the store'

'So, the next time you want to watch a movie I can bring porn?' he happily asked, and I knew he had a big smile on his face.

'No. I'm at the store on the corner of my street.' I said and hung up. He was such a piece of work sometimes...But despite him being an ass, he was my best friend.

A while later Billy was pushing my cart, grabbing stuff from the shelves. I stared at the content in my trolley. Chicken breasts, garlic, some herbs, an onion, coconut milk, a lemon, rice, carrots and some bell peppers.

'What am I making?' I inquired, looking at the ingredients. Billy looked amused and smiled.

'A chicken curry with rice. It's fabulous!'

'And it is a definite panty dropper, trust me.' he added with a wink.

I nodded, ignoring his last comment. I liked chicken and curries so, what could go wrong? We quickly picked up some other additional stuff, paid for my groceries and then left the store.

'I'll help you make it and then you can blow her socks off! Maybe even more than her socks' Billy grinned with his signature perverted look on his face. I slapped his arm, and we started walking towards my car.

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