5. Clumsy

810 47 8

Rebecca Armstrong

I was really surprised she asked me out, and even more surprised when she really called. I was so sure she was straight. I mean, my gaydar isn't bulletproof, but it was decent. I had seen gaydars way worse than mine, for example. a friend her gaydar was so bad that it wouldn't surprise me if it pointed to a dude and signaled 'lesbian'. Anyways, it seemed like I was wrong this time. But I was gladly wrong, damn, she was cute.

Normally I wouldn't care if the woman I met and who asked me out were hot or not Lately, I hadn't been in the mood for dating, but something about her made me say yes. Maybe it was the way how she looked at me or how eager she sounded. I don't know, but I was looking forward to it. I didn't have any expectations. Maybe it would become a long-term thing, sweet. If not, then at least I would have had a nice evening with a gorgeous woman.

Dress or pants. Dress or pants. Dress or oh, skirt! Blue or red, blue, red, blue, no, red. Maybe I should go for black.

Heels? They do make my legs longer and give my ass a nice swing. No, I need flats, we could end up dancing and I don't want to fall over when I'm dancing with her. Yeah, definitely the heels.

My whole day consisted of these dilemmas. Trying on my whole closet, making new combinations.

I didn't really want to impress her, but she was stunning, and I didn't want people to walk by and think 'Wow, that girl could do so much better. Maybe I should go over there and hit on her'.

Because if something like that would happen, chances were Freen would move on to someone more in her league. Hopefully, that wouldn't happen.

When I walked in the bar, I was glad it was rather empty. A couple of guys sitting in the corner, the standard old men at the bar and some giggling girls in a booth. No Freen. I looked at my watch, 8:43 pm, okay so I was a little bit too early. Better sit down here and wait, instead of pacing around in my apartment.

When she walked in my jaw dropped. Just like the jaws of the guys in the corner, but who could blame them. Yesterday she was beautiful, tonight she dressed to kill. Her legs seemed endless, and I would love to trail my hands up there, just to find out how long they were.

She smiled. "Hey, I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"No, I was just early, bad habit. Wow you look stunning" I said, trying to sound flattering and not creepy. No one likes the creepy lady.

"Thanks, so do you" she said, returning the compliment.

I probably wouldn't have believed her; except I saw how she looked at me. Her eyes going over my body, stopping at my breasts. Then quickly looking away, a bit guilty for checking me out so obviously.

The evening went well. She was very funny, she had a sense of dry humor, mixed with a lot of sarcasm that had me rolling on the floor. Not literally, of course, but I could imagine it. The best thing though, she made me feel at ease. Not once did I tip over my glass or spit out my drink or say something really inappropriate.

That was until he came over. From what I knew, he looked like a guy who knew his way around women. Charming, good looking and cocky. He flashed a smile at Freen, and she looked like she enjoyed the attention. Shit. What if she also liked men? I didn't ask if she was a lesbian or bisexual. Stupid, stupid. I should have checked that.

"Hey pretty lady, what's up? You should come over to our table and sit with me. Your friend can come too if she wants" he said, giving her a flirty wink, she cleared her throat, grabbed my hand and shook her head.

"Thank you, but my date and I are just fine here" she said, much to my relief. She wasn't leaving with someone else. Not yet anyway. The guy looked at us and gave us you-two-are-both-going-to-end-in-my-bed grin.

"Your date? Sweet. Well, why don't I buy you both a drink and we can go to my place later." he said, confirming my theory.

"No thanks, we are good. I would love your dick, but her strap-on is always going to be bigger, so bye bye." she said, making me snort. The guy turned beet red and quickly made his way to his table, leaving us giggling about her comment.

"That was quite a turndown." I said, impressed by how effective she handled the situation. This wasn't her first time turning down obnoxious guys. I could tell.

Even though she wasn't interested in the guy, the whole ordeal had left me a bit flabbergasted. That, and my inherent clumsiness made me tilt over my glass. The whole content just poured over her. Terrific. How more cliche can you go. And I didn't even do it on purpose.

"I'm so sorry! Let's get you cleaned up before it stains" I panicked, quickly dabbing up the liquid on the table. She nodded and we walked to the ladies' room, getting a good look from the guys in the corner.

"Here let me help" I said while giving her a lot of tissues and wiping off some excess beer.

She took my hand and stopped my cleaning motion "It's fine."

When I stopped obsessing over cleaning her up, I noticed how close her body was. I felt her hand sneak around my waist, and she pushed me gently against the wall. The only sounds audible were the clacking of my heels and the short breaths leaving our mouths. Her hand trailed up to my neck and I felt her fingers tangling in my hair. She pushed her body against mine and I felt my hormones raging through me.

Slowly she brought her head closer and she smiled a little. Our eyes met. My hands gripped her waist. I felt my heart beat in my throat. After a lifetime of waiting, I finally felt her lips on mine. Soft, warm, moist. I let out the breath I didn't even know I held. She pulled back, silently, both savoring the kiss. She took a couple of steps back, leaving me feeling lost, before changing her mind and crashing her lips again on mine.

The evening just got a whole lot better.

Smooth Freen hahahaha, not straight anymore? lol. I will update next chapter tomorrow :) Enjoy!

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