10. Dinner

719 36 2

Rebecca Armstrong

I heard my phone vibrate and grabbed it as fast as I could. As I expected it was a text from Freen. She had been texting me all day and although it was 2:47 am right now, we were still texting like mad. In the beginning, I tried to play it off, but after a while, I gave up and just texted her back as fast as I could.

- When am I seeing you again? -

I smiled, soon I hoped.

- I'll see if I have a slot in my agenda :) -

I texted back, pretending like 1 was extremely busy.

- You better make some time for me. I wanna see you. Take you to dinner. -

That was everything that I needed. Her admitting she wanted to see me.

- Sure. What about tomorrow evening?

I immediately got a text back from her, which made the butterflies fly up in my stomach.

— Perfect. I'll pick you up at 8 pm. See you then, cutie. ;) -

I smiled happily, put the phone on my nightstand and wiggled my body, trying to find a comfortable position. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell in a deep sleep, looking forward to seeing her.

When the evening arrived, I got nervous.

Every time I went out with her in public, I got a bit scared she'd leave with someone far more gorgeous than me. When the bell rang, I quickly checked my makeup and my hair, before opening the door. I knew she was gonna look stunning, but I wasn't ready for this. Her long legs from under her skirt, the dress that clung perfectly to her body, a hint of cleavage.


Freen flashed me her cocky smile. Hi, you look beautiful She said while throwing me a suggestive wink.

I laughed, winking back. 'Thanks, so do you. I smiled, wanting to say more, but cut off by Freen's lips suddenly and softly on mine. She nibbled on my lower lip, sweeping her tongue over it, giving me chills.

I pulled back. 'Smooth. Let's go. I said, pretending like it didn't affect me, but nothing was truer. I grabbed my coat and flicked off the lights, stepping outside.

Freen took a step back but stayed on the step-up in front of my door. It's a small step-up, so when I closed my door, I noticed how close she was standing. I swallowed nervously because I could already guess what she was gonna do. She never failed to grab an opportunity to kiss me and make me weak to my knees.

I was right.

'You smell dangerously good. Freen whispered in my ear. Lightly grabbing my waist, pulling me closer to her. I felt her warm breath in my neck, giving me shivers. Her feather light kisses going from my ear to my collarbone. Her head pushing mine up, softly biting on my jaw. Her hands gliding up and down my spine, finally resting on the small of my back.

All those things made me almost moan and when she started sucking on the soft skin of my neck, I couldn't help but release the soft moan I was so desperately trying to hold back. I felt Freen smile against my skin, sucking harder, surely leaving a hickey. When she was done, she pulled back, rested her forehead against mine and cupped my head with her hands.

Just marking my territory? she whispered, stepping back and grabbing my hand.

'Let's get some food.'

The restaurant was sober but stylish. Rustic, wooden tables combined with cute placemats and all different kinds of chairs, like he bought them from a thrift store or had been collecting them over the years.

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