31. Want

656 43 2

Freen Sarocha

'Freen? Freen! Open up. I know you are in here!'

I groaned in annoyance and rolled my eyes. Couldn't Billy just leave me alone?

'Freen, if you don't open this door, I'm going to count to three and if you don't open up, I'm going to break down your door!' he screamed, using that old childish trick. Like I'm going to fall for that.


I scoffed and yawned. Whatever.

'Two. You don't want to do this, Freen!'

What's on the TV, Hmm...Rizzoli and Isles.

Nope, reminded me of Becky. Next.

'Two and a half!'

Fine, no TV it is. Maybe I'll just read a book.

'Three' Billy finally screamed. I looked expectantly at the door and smiled when I heard the loud thud.

'Auuwww, fucking motherfucker! Shit, your door is sturdy!' Billy cursed, probably jumping around in pain. I rolled my eyes and walked towards his moaning sounds. I unlocked the door and opened up. Billy was curled down on the floor, one hand holding his shoulder and groaning.

'Your own fault. You should have known that you are not a superhero.' I smirked, walking back into my flat. I heard Billy scoff and as I expected he just stood up and followed me in.

'I could have been really hurt!' he pouted, his brows furrowed, and his lip stuck out.

'I knew that you weren't hurt.'

'Yeah, uh, well, whatever.' he mumbled and sat down on my couch. I shrugged my shoulders and also sat back down.

'Anyway. How are you?' Billy asked, his tone going from playful to serious.

'I'm fine' I lied, although we both knew I wasn't. I hadn't come to work for over a week, my phone had 34 missed calls and 62 unopened texts. I just couldn't be bothered.

'You're not. Have you heard from her?'

I shook my head. I hadn't. The first four days I had sent her texts and left her voicemails, but she didn't answer any of them, so I just stopped. Okay, stopped is not true, I just toned it down a bit. I only sent her a goodnight text, so she knew I was still thinking about her.

'Have you gone to see her?'

I frowned my eyebrows and shook my head.

'God, no, I'm not a stalker!' I shouted, annoyed at myself that I just hadn't found the courage to go over there and face her again. Part of me was convinced that I didn't deserve a girl like her, not after what I did to her.

Maybe she was better off without me...

'Well, maybe you should become one. At least you would come out of your flat.' Billy muttered under his breath. I'm sure the last sentence was an insult, but I didn't care enough to give a quick retort.

'I don't think our boss agreed on you stay home for a week' he said, trying another angle. Again, I just shrugged and rolled my eyes. Manuel was our new boss and he owed me.

'Our new boss and I go way back.' I smiled, recalling the event.

'I'm done' I curtly said, placing an envelope on my boss' desk.

'If that's your letter of resignation, I'm not accepting it.' my boss muttered, pushing the envelope back to me.

'Becky found out. You know our friend Manuel?' He was the William we were looking for. Well, he found Becky and he "enlightened" her.' I huffed and sat down in a chair, frustrated as hell.

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