36. Summer

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Rebecca Armstrong

The grass was tickling my bare feet when I walked over it, and I smiled when I remembered how much I liked summer. The sun was burning hot on my flesh, but I was enjoying the heat. It had been too cold for far too long. I took in a deep breath, loving the salty air that was common when going to the beach. I looked around me and found two familiar figures sitting on beach towels.

'Damn, girl, let me in on the action!' I heard Billy shout, so loud that I could clearly hear him, even when I was still ten meters away from them.

Freen punched his arm and I saw her shaking her head in dismissal. I paused and stood still, just to admire Freen from behind. God, her toned back was so sexy. I walked closer until I was standing almost right behind them.

'I'm going to swim.' Freen declared, waving away Billy's filthy comments. I heard Billy groan in frustration and smirked when I recognized the usual scenario.

Billy was always asking about the action and fishing about details, but Freen never gave him anything.

'You suck' he pouted, earning a wicked smile from her.

'Not anymore, I do other things with my mouth and tongue.' she winked, sticking out her tongue. Billy wanted to make another remark, but Freen stood up and brushed the sand off of her body, effectively shutting him up.

Damn, she looked good in that bikini. I let my eyes trail up and down, obnoxiously checking her out, feeling like a pervert.

Damn, she had a great ass. But hey, she was my girlfriend, I was allowed to check her out!

I wasn't the only one who thought so apparently, all the males in the area, including Billy, were staring at her, although a bit more subtly than I. Except for one goon in the corner who was clearly drooling over her. Bleh, time to claim her, show them she was going home with me.

'You have indeed a very talented tongue.' I finally spoke up, making Freen and Billy turn their heads around. I'm pretty sure Billy was also checking me out, but I was only interested in Freen her actions.

I could see her approvingly look at me, her eyes filled with lust.

'Why don't you two ladies show me?' Billy grinned, looking hopefully at the two of us. We both laughed and shook our heads.

'Never, ever happening.' Freen smirked, stepping in my direction and taking my hand in hers.

'You think I'd share this with you?' she asked, pulling my body flush to hers.

'I wish.' Billy muttered, his eyes trailing up and down.

'Okay, I know I started it, but stop looking at my girlfriend like that.' Freen growled playfully, but I could hear the possessiveness in her voice.

'We are going swimming.' she decided and grabbed my hand. 'You look great, by the way' she added, the lost comment only meant for my ears.

'Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself.'  I returned the compliment, making her lightly blush. I pulled her body close to mine and softly kissed her on the lips. I swept my tongue slowly over her bottom lip, making her open her mouth. Normally I would deepen the kiss, but instead, I pulled out. She opened her eyes and looked at me in confusion.

'Race you to the water?' I chirped, not giving her time to react when I spurted to the water. I heard her yell "cheater" behind me, but quickly enough she was on my tail.

'You are going to lose.' she yelled, still behind me.

'Yeah right, first catch up with me.' I yelled back, still running as fast as I could.

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