4. The Call

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Freen Sarocha

I went home, thinking about the best strategy to make her fall for me. Well, first of all, I should give her a call tonight, ask her out for drinks and then get her tipsy enough so I could kiss her?

That sounded like a plan Billy and his guy friends made when they went out. I always thought that it was wrong and deceitful, but now I almost understood. Trying to get a girl to like you was difficult. I mean, no offence, but hooking up with a guy is easy.

You give them a short look and within ten seconds they come up to you. You make some short conversation, gaze into their eyes and lean in close. Before you know it, they'll be kissing you.

That is if you play easy, but most girls don't. They play hard to get. The more they want a guy, the harder they try not to notice him. Looking the other way but dancing sexily and hoping he notices her. Keeping the conversation to a minimum, trying to come over as not interested.

Maybe look around, like there is someone who you are looking for, but really, we all k now there isn't. And most of the time, we talk to a guy and when he thinks he is going to get lucky, we switch to another random person. Getting a girl is not easy. But in the end, we ladies just want to be wooed. Swept off our feet, and drunk guys are no prince Charming.

I didn't count down the hours, I mean, I only checked the clock a couple of times, but who doesn't. I saw 2:00 pm, and 4:00 pm, and maybe I did see 6:00 pm and 6:32 pm and 6:43 pm and 6:52 pm and 6:57 pm.

But that is beside the point. I didn't count down the hours, just kept a close look on the clock. Okay, I counted down the hours, but that was just because of the job, and I didn't want to screw this up. Not because I was interested in her, no way.

7:19 pm sounded like a perfect random hour to call. Not too close to 7:00 pm, not too close to 7:30 pm. A random hour, like I just remembered that I would call her.

"Hello, Armstrong speaking, what can I do for you?" Shit, what do I say? Why didn't I think about that? How stupid, I had been thinking about this call all day, but did I think how I would ask her out? Of course not.

"Euhmm, Hi, Hello. This is Freen, Freen Sarocha, I, we met this morning in your office? I'm the girl with the ex-girlfriend and no case..." I started rambling, it was normal, I never tried to date a girl before, so this was completely new territory for me. I was nervous because this was new. Not because she was really beautiful, and I was genuinely trying to impress her.

"Oh, hi. So nice of you to call. How are you?"

This was going well, let's make some small talk and then ask her out for a drink.

"Splendid, Doyouwannagooutwithme? Shit, talk about getting straight to the point. Haha, at least the point was straight, she wasn't. Stupid joke, and stupid question. I'm so glad that I articulated well, otherwise, I'd look like a blabbering idiot. Good thing I only lost my charm and not my sarcasm as well.

"Wow, you are direct, sure why not" she said, sounding so composed and relaxed. The complete opposite of how I was feeling right now.

"Great, Great, tonight say around 9ish in the Big Louis?" I proposed, feeling myself calm down. She didn't turn me down, yet. I should just go for it, do the overconfident thing guys tend to do.

She laughed. "Wow, you are eager. Let's make it tomorrow evening."

"Perfect, I'm already looking forward to it." I said, finally able to make a grammatically correct sentence.

"Me too, see you tomorrow. Goodnight Freen" she said, hanging up immediately.

"Yeah, goodnight..." I trailed off, talking into my phone with no one on the other end of the line. The way she said my name after she hung up made me want to listen more to her voice. Maybe it's a good thing she didn't want to go out tonight. It would have been disastrous. Now I could go talk to Billy about picking up girls. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

I'm curious now how Freen felt when she first call Becky in real life hahahaha.. What you guys think? leave a comment 

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