20. The Morning

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Rebecca Armstrong

I woke up like I did every morning, but for some reason, it felt different than other days. It had been a while since I felt so relaxed and well rested. I tried to stretch, but something restricted me. Something warm and incredibly soft. I opened my eyes and noticed the gorgeous woman sleeping next to me.

I shot up, my heart racing. Shit, did I bring someone home last night? That wasn't possible, I didn't go out yesterday. I rubbed the sleep grains from my eyes and took a better look at the woman in my bed. I smiled and felt myself relax. It was just Freen.

Thank God.

'Hmm. What are you doing, BB?' she mumbled, her voice a tad lower than usual, due to her just waking up.

'Nothing.' I whispered, trying to ignore that all my butterflies had already woken up too.

'Lay back down, BB.' she sleepily muttered, her arms sneaking back around my waist and pulling me back under the covers. I slumped back down and snuggled into Freen her warm body.

'Hmm. Better.' she softly breathed in my ear, making my heart flutter. She easily maneuvered her thigh between my legs, pressing it against my core, making me flame up in about a second. If I had been sleepy before, now I certainly wasn't.

I sighed and tried to stop my brain from imagining how it would be if we were naked and she was laying on top of me, her hands caressing my body and her mouth placing kisses all over and her fingers...

Stop. Stop.

I tried to pull away and create some distance but with every movement, I created more friction. That definitely wasn't helping...

'What are you doing?' Freen sleepily asked, pushing herself up and removing her leg, giving me some breathing space.

'I'm not tired anymore...Wanna have breakfast?' I awkwardly suggested, slowly sliding away from Freen. She stretched her arms and made the cutest yawning sound.

Okay, now I really needed to get out of this bed before I jumped her bones. I tried my hardest not to move away too obviously, but I am quite sure I failed miserably.

She nodded and pushed herself up, making the covers glide down. She stood up and reached for her shirt. I quickly turned away, but I couldn't un-see her voluptuous breasts and her cute butt in her sexy lingerie. I felt my cheeks heat up from arousal and tried to calm myself down.

Still turned on I sat down at the table and kept staring at my plate, trying to ignore the lust I felt. They say cold showers help, well, they don't.

"BB, is there something wrong?'

I shook my head in denial but kept peering down.

'Why won't you look at me? Did I do something wrong?'

Again, I shook my head. God, this was torture.

'Then look at me, BB.' I heard, her voice barely a whisper. I slowly lifted up my head and looked in her eyes.

'Why are you upset? Is it because I stayed the night?'

I extended my arm and grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly. She sounded so sad, so I couldn't do anything else but confess.

'No, of course not! It's just that I can't get the picture of you in the morning out of my head' I explained, embarrassed that I was so easily turned on. Freen nodded slowly and she exhaled audibly.

'Yeah, I know, I'm not very attractive in the morning..'

Are you kidding? Not attractive? One quick peek had my loins aching for her.

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