Chapter 12: The Reunion Of Enemies

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3rd POV:

Back to AFO.

When AFO who was sat there on the throne by himself and he was waiting for what happened but he never heard anything else in his ear and make him just sat there for awhile and he really need to wait for what happened next is...any news up to him and make him want to get rid of these motherfuckers by himself. Then AFO couldn't find the three of them and his own son too...they are gone and they were been missing in somewhere else and they couldn't be find by the signal comes from the computer.

AFO: "Is there any signal, Kurogiri?" He asked him.

Kurogiri: "Nothing, sir...I didn't find any of them in contacts." He said to AFO.

AFO: "Hmmm...Damn...they must be around here. They were been sucking through by the portal and whatever it is take them...this is serious getting mad right now...whoever doing this take them away from me...I'm going to kill them." He said to Kurogiri and make the man nod his head and then he was tries his best to find them.

Kurogiri: "Yes, sir." He said to AFO.

AFO: "*What the hell are you been up to, Reznov? I'm going to find out what the hell are you hiding something from me?*" He thought himself and make him want to go after the motherfucker who was sent (Y/N) to the mission that he need to search and rescue the hostage by himself.

AFO: "*There is something came up with him...I need to find out what is this bastard hiding?*" He thought himself and make him want to find out Capt. Reznov's doing...but whatever this motherfucker hide something else to AFO and he is going to find out the whole things and the truth about it.


Nezu: "Well, as you can see the whole thing in recording that you heroes need to see this." He said to the five of them were stood right there and they both were watching the record of gunshots out there and here comes there was shooting outside by themselves. They both were watching at the mercenary who was stood right there and protect the kid behind his back and one of the Pro Hero was recognize the face of someone else before.

???1: "W-Wait, that's...(Y/N)!" He said.

???2: "You know him, All Might?" He asked him and make the man nod his head and he said.

???1: "Yes, I know him...His name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he was the son of All For One and...quirkless...but he was the Afghanistan soldier who was battle for his own the way he seems to be growing up." He said to them and they both were taken surprise for what they heard All Might just say but he was speak the truth about it.

???3: "Wait, All For One had a son?!?" He said in surprise.

???4: "Impossible! I never knew the villain had a son who fighting as a soldier?!" He said to them and then the two females who were observe at (Y/N) and the image of (Y/N)'s face and make the two of them thinking (Y/N) is handsome as hell and cute too.

???5/???6: "*He's handsome.~*" They thought themselves and then they both thinking him was alright and as for the others who were tries to thinking about it but then Nezu told them.

Nezu: "The mercenary, with these three villains and the boy...were disappeared when they phase down on the ground." He said and showing the four of them step on the ground and disappeared.

All: "*They disappeared?!?*" They thought themselves.

All Might: "How did they disappeared like that?!?" He asked Nezu.

Nezu: "I have no idea...they must step something on the ground and phase through that's what happened when they were disappeared right away." He said to them and make them were definitely taken surprise more about it.

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