Chapter 32: Ragnarok

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So this is the Mad Hatter's lair. What a dump. I can't imagine anyone living here especially with that awful smell!!! "Wow, feel a little loopy, maaybe siz diz gazz?" *cue oncomming floor*

I passed out after seeing a pair of orange and green shoes rushing towards me. I opened my eyes completely to see a fluffy face inches from mine and it's small pink tongue rythmically licking my forehead. It took a while for my eyes focus and when they did I saw the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen!! (Ps that's the fluffy white puppy)

"You're awake. Good. I'll call him" said a small voice I did not recognize. I sat up. "Ugh. My head hurts!" I groan. "Kat!" Okay now that voice I know! "J' where am I?" I asked my words slurred. 

He laughed, it made a smile etch itself onto my face. "Just the Hatter's hat shop." His voice soothed my aching head, obviously not literally healing it but it didn't feel as bad.

"Why did I pass out and what is up with that adorable little pooch because it's gorgeousness is blowing my mind!" I blurted it out with no hint of class or elegance, it didn't need it but I needed answers.

"You passed out because of the safety measures Hatter installed incase of unwanted guests. And Kat, this little fuzz-ball is my gift to you for coming back, her name is Ragnarok," he calmy stated. At that moment, I wasn't about being calm, I freaked and in a good way! Ragnarok was adorable and the most romantic thing Joker had ever done for me well until I saw what was hooked on her collar. A silver band just large enough to slip on my ring finger.

"J, wha...?" He shushed me and whispered in my ear "it's a promise, Kat, I love you." Tears sprang to my eyes and I grabbed him in a hug which resulted in a soft and tender kiss. I broke the kiss and looked up at him. "Oh no! I've been so bussy I forgot Johnathon, he was at the docks. What if he got caught?!"

The laughter of the two men broke me away from my psychotic rambling, Jarvis looked at me with tears of laughter in his eyes and said "Don't worry Alice, he's just asleep in the other room." I sighed in relief ignoring the fact that he called me Alice, it was weird though right?

I heard a groggy moan and shuffling coming from behind a door to the left of Jarvis, The Mad Hatter. Soon I saw my lunk head of a brother amble through. I rammed him with the biggest bear hug I could muster and he let out a startled squeak. "I've missed you," I mumbled, "I missed you to."

Okay so that's it. If you want me to write any bonus chapters explaining anything I'll try if I have time but I'd love to. Now that Mocking-bird is finished I will be moving on to another of my stories it's name is Wicked. Though in the near future a sort-of-sequal might be added to Mocking-bird, about her friend who has a thing for Riddler but I'll see how life goes.
♡Love you all!!!♡

Oh and I want this to be the last sentence of Mocking bird you read unless you read it again well... ugh let me not ramble on;

♥'Katrina, Joker and little Ragnarok went on to have many adentures some good some amazing and whenever they were in a fix they could always rely on one-another to bail the others out. And let's just say B-man was not happy about it but then again when is he ever happy?'♥

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