Chapter 26: A new journey

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Katrina's POV:

I'd sat on Maybel's couch spilling my heart out for the past hour. About 25 minutes into it I'd lost the strength to hold my tears back. May now knew everything and she seemed to accept it. She hugged my limp, weeping form and consoled me.

"Kat, I know you love him. I know you love it here but don't you think you need a break to stabilise yourself? Even if it's only a short while." I looked at her with tear filled eyes. "I can't leave him, I can't leave Jonnathen either. I... I." She shushed me "you need to think of yourself first. If tjey truly love you they'll understand. You won't be abandoning them, you'll be taking a vacation and whilst your on this vacation you could also find out more about your family."

I nodded, she waa right. "And I can find out about this Mad Dog character from a safe distance. But what about work?" She gave a soft laugh; "Do you really think with the path your on that you'll always wamt to work at Arkham? Especially when your also trying to avoid getting thrown in it?"

This was, of course, true. I smiled weakly at my amazing friend. I was going to miss her. So much for getting a car soon, well it's not like I could afford anything other than a toy car on my salary.

May dropped me off at home and I walked in and saw Jonnathen on the sofa. He looked up and came rushing to embrace me. "Jonnathen, I need to talk to you."

Jonnathen's POV:

Kat had gone to bed after our chat and I sat in silence. She was going to leave Gotham. I admit that she'd been less of herself, less sane lately. I didn't want her to go but for selfish reasons. She was my sister after all.

I wondered how Joker would react to this. If he didn't take it well Kat would get hurt and then I'd be furious. We'd just have to see how it all played out.

Katrina hadn't told me where she was going, probably in an attempt to keep me away while she figured it all out. She was flying the nest. I looked up at her door and sighed; I was going to miss her alright.

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