Chapter 15: Dark and sinister

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Robin's POV:

I didn't trust that girl but Bruce was blinded. He was blinded by love for that psycho creature. She just had an evil glint in her eye and the other night I'd seen her kiss the Joker. Gross!

I saw her walk out of the bathroom. It looked like, well I don't know what it looked like. Have you ever seen a black and white movie that was scratched and it kept freezing. Well she looked like that only creepier and she kept flashing black and white.

She had the scariest expression on her face. I followed her somehow managing to miss her tendrils of dark energy. Her slow movement made it seem as if she were in the path of a malicious strobe light.

She got to Bruce and and let out a sinister wail and Bruce's head snapped up. An expression of pure terror frozen on his features. His love was not blind to this, fortunately. He could see this monster as plain as day.

Yes, she looked sorta sexy in a weird villainous way but she had an aura of evil. She would've been perfect for Bruce if she wasn't already dating the clown. I don't think Bruce knows this, I think that he believes they're dating. Well he's wrong!! She wants the Joker.

Katrina's POV [after her episode]:

I ignored Tom's glares and focused on hugging Bruce. He always made me feel safe. This was when I hurt him, I hurt him so much that the great Batman was about to cry. I'd said "Thank you Bruce, you've always been like a brother to me."


Ooooh not even friend zoned but family zoned. Doubt even Ron could get out of this one. For those who don't know; Tom was the Robin after the first became Nightwing. I've decided what Katrina will look like and it's [drum roll please] Avril Lavigne. The pic is what she looks like when she has an "episode".

Love you all

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