Chapter 2: I don't laugh

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I sat in the chair silently and watched him fidget. He was very intriguing! He broke the silence first "So doc, you new?" I looked at him calmly and replied "Yes, and I'll be your new therapist. Now before we start, is there anything you'd like to discuss with me?"

He looked at me suspiciously "Yes... well tell me, who exactly are you?" I blinked plainly and said "As you know I'm your psychologist, my name is Katrina Luna Crane. You may call me Dr. Katrina. I was born in Gotham and that's all you need to know."

He smiled and said between cackles "Why can't orphans play basketball?" Blankly I replied "Humor me." His grin grew "Because they can't find home." His laughing had become manic but all I did was smile at the reaction he brought out of himself.

He seemed disappointed at my reaction or lack there of. "CAN YOU NOT LAUGH OR SOMETHING!!!!" he yelled. I answered patiently " I don't laugh." He was shocked and apprehensively stuttered "Well we'll have to fix that!"

The guards came in and took the laughing clown to the cells in the West wing. I smiled thinking about all the new hypotheses I could write about him. I'd just finished my report when I realised that I'd left my dad in the car. I jumped up and ran out of the building.

I saw my dad sitting in the car, a look of confusion on his ketchup stained face. "I can't believe it," he kept muttering. "Dad?" his head whipped up. "I can't believe I fit two Big-Macs in my mouth at once," he spluttered through the burgers still lodged in his mouth. "Let's go home dad," I sighed.


Hey angel-cakes here's chapter 2, I know it's not that long but it's still a chapter so I hope you enjoy. I'm trying my best to get as many chapters in this weekend as I can while also studying, reading, watching t.v, and yeah well *showing characteristics of living organisms*. That little snipit is for my awesome friend Number1NTatherr hope you enjoyed this budzy.

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