Chapter 6: An Occupational Hazard

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The car ride with Bruce was strange it felt so long yet as if it passes in the blink of an eye. In my office I sat contemplating my life's giant twist. So much had changed in just over a week.

"Okay, I've decided. I'll go visit my parents and talk to them maybe I just need some stability," I muttered to myself with new resolve. The crackling startled me in my already frazled state; "Mizz Crane you have an appointment in ten minutes with Dr. ... Crane, umm. Your new schedule is also ready and waiting at reception," came the young man's voice.

I was there in half the time it usually took but I paid no attention. I walked into my personal interrogation room and saw the guards waiting already. I was late, what had happened to all that time?

"Please leave, I can handle him," I said to the already protesting guards. I just cut them off and looked at my brother as they left the room. "So, Mr. Crane. How are you feeling today?" He narrowed his eyes but stayed silent. "Hmm. Well would you care to explain why you think you're in here, please."

"Sister, you know exactly why I'm in here and as for my opinion... I don't believe it quite matters." He smiled at his remark, he had such a sweet smile when he wasn't trying to desicrate your mind. "I believe that your opinion is the most important in the situation you're currently in. I also think that it's important that you give yourself that power."

"I have power sister, unmeasurable power over the minds of the meak. I control them, I destroy them!" he claimed. I looked at him waiting for a more detailed confession, not that we needed one. "You have power, yes. But this power is not over your victims, it is power over yourself and your future which is most likely to be lived out here. Now that is or was in your power, it was your choice... brother."

He looked taken aback at me calling him brother but it seemed he liked it. "Sister. I'm sorry I never found you..." I cut him off "Jonathen, think nothing of it. In anyway this session is about you not me. We'll save that for another time." He nodded and smiled.

I'd somehow gotten him to explain or, to be honest, brag about his latest accomplishments amd how they made him feel. I'd have more than enough for my weekly progress report from this session.

I'd told Jonnathen about how Joker had broken into my home, I did this off record of course. He simply said that it was an occupational hazard.


Well I had to think alot about all the psychological stuffz in this chapter and I hope it's good. Comment on anything you'd like to be better... aaand Iiii'll think about it.

Loviez youz

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