Chapter 3: My uncle's my brother!?

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It'd been a week since my first day and I'd been gradually getting more comfortable, but never actually felt completely safe. Well who would when they've watched as many horror movies a I have.

One conundrum that I couldn't figure out was, who was my uncle? I wanted to know because I'd always been searching for my real family. In fact I was 10 when I was told about my adoption. My parents, whom I still loved dearly, even without the biological connection, had actually met my real mother but only once. They kept nothing from me and for this I was eternally grateful.

I kept my biological surname in the hope of finding relatives. The news of my 'uncle' was promising since my parents came from a long line of only children. This had always been fine with me, I'd made enough 'family' at school.

I snapped out of my flashbacking as a crackling sound started "Mizz Crane; Dr. Wrexler and The Batman would like to consult with you, also Officer James Gordon has something important for you." This was odd; The Batman only came in with criminals and it should've only concerned me if it involved my patients and they were all here.

I walked to reception and saw the three tall figures. I usually considered myself quite tall for 24 but next to them, I felt puny. The Commisioner nodded to me and gave me a smile along with a blue file.

"Why so glum?" I asked, recieving a few sympathetic looks and one suspicious one from the Bat. Batman grabbed my arm and a strange thought came into my head; "Bruce Wayne" I whispered, almost inaudibly. Batman looked at me and glared, I just shoved him off. Dr. Wrexler put a hand on my shoulder right infront of the m.i.r's (main interrogation room) door.
I gasped but said nothing, thankful that no-one noticed. In the room was Scarecrow otherwise known as Jonnathen Crane... my brother, the man who got me this job!

I expect that you'll find waaay more typos than I bargained for. Please excuse how bad this chapter is, it's late...

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